Leaving the Wild Region

"Hey Liu Yang, you are amazing !!!! I can't believe you really did something like that" Lida praised. She never thought that Liu Yang would really be able to help dryads.

"Liu Yang, you are truly the most amazing person I have ever met" Zily also praised. She thinks this is unbelievable.

"I was just lucky. Without Fantina's help, I would have taken more than twice the time. Ten years was a lot ... "Liu Yang sighed. He saw that the women had aged a little in the past ten years that he had been away.

The marks of the peak of youth can be seen on their faces and bodies. The weather has changed them a lot.

Part of that was because women were concerned about Liu Yang's safety. So they had trouble sleeping.

His return was like a dream coming true.

So, he felt a little guilty because of what he did.

Women have waited for him during these ten years.

For an ordinary person, that time was a lot.