South Jakarta, V.Disg Corporation Building.
Briena begins to enter the building where she works after being escorted by Ares. Today Briena looks beautiful in a white shirt and black fabric pants complete with a beautifully circular brown belt around her slender waist. With the hand that carries the Prada Brand, Briena gracefully steps her feet towards the brown mahogany door that connects her room with her secretary's room.
"Ave, come to my room right now! Briena's orders before opening the door, turned to the woman who had been her secretary for 3 years since the company was built.
"All right, ma'am," Ave said dutifully.
Briena walks to her national chair, opens the file in front of her before turning on the computer in her room. A few minutes later Ave came in with a tablet in her hand, the woman had already memorized that Briena would definitely tell her to read the schedule for today.
"What's my schedule today?" asked Briena staring flatly at her secretary, her voice as loud as her gaze.
"This morning, I had an appointment with Mrs. Arum regarding her home decor in the central Jakarta area, then a meeting with the decor section, afterwards a video call with our client from Malaysia. Lunchtime until home time will be an empty schedule," said Ave.
"All right, you can get out," Orders Briena when it feels like Ave's job is done. But the woman still stood stiff in front of him like she wanted to say something. "What else?" asked Briena staring confusedly at Ave.
"Do you know our client named Mrs. Wayan Dista?"
"Yes, a 70-year-old woman who lives in Bali, right?" said Briena.
"He.... Ave shut up for a moment. He wants to...." Ave's back hanging his sentence.
"What's the problem with Ms. Dista? Tell me clearly, Ve, don't be convoluted," says Briena, the woman knows that there is a problem with her client. Ave's evidence looks nervous when delivering the news regarding Ms. Dista.
"Mrs. Dista would like to meet you in person without going through an intermediary assistant, ma'am. She also does not like communication through Vicall," explained Ave finally.
Briena frowns faintly. "Meet in person? You mean I have to go to Bali? Briena stares intently at her secretary who nods. Ve, I told you that clients shouldn't be like that. You didn't say that the design could be sent via email and like before clients whose objects were far away could have discussions via video call," she snapped angrily.
"S-I s-already told you, Ma'am, but he still keukeh want to meet you in person," replied Ave fearfully.
Briena sighs to control her emotions. "Why isn't she the only one who goes to Jakarta?" asked Briena lowering the volume.
"She is sick, ma'am, not allowed to board the plane. After all, she wants you to survey the building that will be designed by you later."
Briena pauses for a moment, thinking of a solution to the problem. How much profit do we get if we work with him?" She asked later.
"Approximately 89 milliyar, ma'am, answer Ave. Previously, did not you have signed the cooperation at the beginning of the meeting with Assistant Mrs. Dista. If you cancel the project, I have to pay a penalty of 47% of the promised price," She explained later.
"Actually I could have canceled this project, but Ms. Dista's background clearly cannot be underestimated. The first child of a well-known journalist in Indonesia. The second child as a Board of Directors at one of the private TV stations in Jakarta and the third child, a politician. Ok, the third child has little effect, but the first and second children will obviously have an effect on the survival of V.DISG in the future. Inconvenience and satisfaction of clients can be poured in the form of criticism in the media," explained Briena thinking hard.
The final decision of course he had to fly to Bali to handle the project. Briena is not uncommon to meet clients who are as good as this and for some reason she has to defend this project in addition to the penalty fine. "All right, book me a plane ticket to Bali for the next few days. Remember, Ve, don't let my departure to Bali interfere with my other schedules," Briena orders. "You can get out," she added, allowing Ave to leave his room.
"Uh, Ma'am, there's more. Mr. Vian's assistant called, he said Mr. Vian wants to meet you in your apartment," ave said.
"In my apartment? Call Vian's assistant now and tell him I don't want to see Vian in my privacy. Let's just say we'll meet at Djournal Coffee," Briena replied.
"I'm sorry, Ma'am, I've said that and intend to change it in another café, but Mr. Vian insisted on meeting at Mom's apartment," Ave explained.
"You can get out," Briena said without giving an answer. She removed the white phone from her bag and then numbered her future husband.
"What's wrong?" asked the voice across without further a do
"What do you mean by meeting in my apartment? We can meet in a café or anywhere." Briena said exasperated.
"I want a more private place."
"We can go to the restaurant that has a private room"
"Never thought, Bi. You don't have to argue unnecessarily. There are only 2 options, your apartment or my apartment."
"I don't want to set foot in your apartment," Briena said.
"All right, then after lunch I'll go to your apartment," Vian said before turning off the connection.
"Just wait till you're dead," Briena said, then rudely threw her phone back in the bag.