
Rainbow Hotel, at 00.30 WITA.

"Shit!" Vian cursed when he couldn't find the hotel room ID card in his trouser pocket. The man's strength was almost exhausted, and what happened now? He lost access to enter the room where he was staying. "Argh, damn it."

The man then walked to the door of the hotel room not far from his room, pressed the doorbell quickly. Hoping that the owner of the room would immediately respond to his actions so that he could rest his shattered body. The door opened wide and revealed the figure of a woman who only wore pajamas, her hair was tangled like someone who just woke up.

"You don't know when it's a good time to go to someone's house? Damn it, it's already midnight, Vi. You're disturbing my sleep!" said Briena when confronted with Vian "Hell! What's wrong with you? You!" shouted Briena when she saw how pathetic Vian's appearance was now.