The atmosphere behind Vian and Briena's house grew even more excited by the sound of their laughter. The late night is accompanied by millions of stars and the bright moon. The sound of crickets accompanies the party at Adhyasta's house tonight. It adds to the strong impression of nature in this 'camping' event.
Getting to know someone through chat is the easiest way. Daniel was able to join the Rescue Team, as well as Team Braga and Xavier who were able to get along with all the members of the Rescue Team without the slightest hesitation. It's a good idea to celebrate victory while getting to know new friends.
Vian got up, took a can of drink on the table and opened it. He stood in the middle, trying to get everyone's attention. Everyone looked at Vian with a can of drink in their hands. Let the host of this event say a few words.