Preparations, Part 1

"So, where are we going?" I asked Dakota as he headed down the dark road.

Dakota glanced over at me. "I thought we could go check out the cabin, see what needs to be done for it before the next full moon."

I raised an eyebrow. "You mean, before we have to lock up Michelle in it?"

He shrugged. "That, too."

Then I thought of something that my father had said. "Dakota, may I ask you something?"

He shrugged. "Sure. But don't ask me anything you really don't want the answer to." Then he looked over at me and smiled. "So, what would you like to know?"

I looked at him for a minute, wondering what he meant by that, but shrugged it off. "My father said that he was a lot older than he appears. Come to find out, he's over five hundred years old."

Dakota raised an eyebrow, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. "Yes. So?"

"How old are you?"

He turned toward me as one corner of his lips curled into a smile. "What makes you ask that?"