PREQUEL: The Sisterhood, Part 6

Before she could answer, I turned on my heel and ran into the woods, stronger and faster than ever before. Then, I poured on the speed, testing it out, darting quickly between the trees until they became a blur. The wind blew my hair behind me as I flew through the forest. 

Then I remembered Roy. 

I knew that if I didn't tell him to leave me alone forever, he would go after Crystal and someone would die. I didn't want it to be her… or me.

As I ran, the dim light of the moon appeared in the sky, promising to make its appearance upon the night. Then all of a sudden, I felt different, but not in a way that I could explain. Sweat beaded upon my forehead and arms. When I reached the other side of the woods, I was already at the trailer park where I knew Roy would be waiting. I slowed, then stepped from the safety of the woods and walked purposefully toward the trailer, when suddenly, something grabbed my arm and swung me around.