Someone Watching Over Me

Chapter 154: Someone Watching Over Me

I woke in the hospital bed, feeling as if I had been run over by a truck. The curtains were drawn, but sunlight was peeking through the window. I had slept through the night and into the morning. My hand was tingling. Someone was holding and leaning onto it. When I looked down, Dakota was sleeping face first on the bed, leaning over while sitting in a chair. Then I glanced around the room and Dad was sleeping on a chair in the corner. 

I reached over and stroked Dakota's dark brown hair, soft and silky. Even though it was disheveled, he looked beautiful to me. "Dakota," I said softly, stroking his hair. "Dakota...."

He raised his head, his eyes barely open. He must have realized where he was because his eyes flew open. "Jessica! How are you feeling?"

I smiled. "Like a truck ran me over, backed up over me, and then ran over me again."