Take Me Instead

The rain fell hard against the windowpane in my hospital room. As I listened, it seemed to be beating out a message. I'm coming for you. I'm coming for you. I'm coming for you. The same beats. The same message. 

Sighing, I pushed up the from the bed, knowing it was inevitable. The Dark Rider was indeed coming for me... and whoever stood in his way… including Dakota or my father. 

I had to see Dakota. Somehow, I had to protect him and find this Dark Rider and the Seeker of Lost Souls. Why they chose to invade Granby, I had no idea. Perhaps the recent bout with the Devil and his minions had something to do with it. Even though I knew we had defeated The Sisterhood of the Damned, I couldn't help but feel that they were still out there, somewhere, building their numbers and biding their time until the Devil summoned them again. 

Now, I was being paranoid.