Old memories and Making New ones Part 1

Violet walked up the drive way and into her house seeing the boxes that were littered everywhere. Some closed, others with things strewn from them. She made her way into the kitchen knowing her mother would have heard her come and and come down stairs soon. She went to grab a snack from the fridge, only to find a note stuck to the door. Looking closer at it it was her mothers hand writing.

Hey Honey,

They called me in to work late tonight so I won't be home to make dinner. I left some money on the counter so you can order pizza or take out if you want. Make sure to lock the doors when you go to bed. Hopefully I will see you in the morning.



Sadly this situation was no surprise. Her mother worked long hours and sometimes even days. She guess that's why she was so used to being alone. Looking over at the counter Violet saw where her mother left the money along with a stack of takeout menus.

"I guess it's Chinese tonight." Violet said to herself quietly, snatching up one of the random menus.

After placing the order with someone whom barely spoke English Violet made her way up the stairs into and into her new bedroom. She had decided she should do a little more unpacking. The events of today were running through her head, it was a lot to take in. In one single day she managed to make three friends. Which was three more than usual. Forced to socialize. Was scouted for the track team. Which seemed more like torture than a sport to her, she still couldn't wrap her brain around running just for the fun of it. "Oh and I got a ride home from an almost a complete stranger." Violet said out loud startling herself.

Plopping down on her bed she started to go threw her massive pile of boxes. Putting away her clothes, and setting up the multiple knick-knacks that she had collected over the years. Looking at the shelves Violet realized that she collected a variety of really weird things. Marbles, stones, small crochet animals that they sell at rest stops, key-chains, stuffed animals, small glass figurines, and a lot of books.

'I'm not that weird am I?' she thought to herself while poking at the crochet penguin that she had gotten in Maine. As Violet looked at it the memory of that day had come back to the forefront of her mind.

It was snowing hard and her mother had to pull over and find a place to stay the night due to the roads being iced over. Her mom and dad had just finalized their divorce. And her mom had decided that moving over two thousand miles away from their home was the best course of action. So her mother had bought a house in Maine, loaded Violet up and had them traveling before the ink on the paperwork even had time to dry. They had pulled into some tiny little rest station and had gone inside to wait out the storm, and until the workers could salt the roads. The little trinket had first caught her eye as it dangled on the coffee mug that it was attached to. Her mother who was arguing with her father on the phone, had handed Violet a twenty dollar bill and told her to go find something to eat. Since they were going to be there a while.

Violet had gotten a sandwich and as she had passed the mug again she grabbed it and filled it with coffee for her mom and went to pay for it. Yet before she had handed it to mother, she had pulled the penguin off and put it in her little coat pocket. After what had seemed like forever to her younger self, her and her mother finally headed out to the car to leave. As Violet was getting in the car, the store clerks son came running out after them. He stopped in front of her and held out the small crocheted animal. She hadn't known had dropped it when they had gotten up to go.

As he handed it to her he had also handed Violet a folded piece of paper with his phone number with a note that said if you want someone to talk to message me. She had taken it but never messaged him. She wondered how he was. Coming back to the here and now Violet reluctantly got back to work unpacking.

As she kept going through the boxes and putting things away, Violet finally found her bathing supplies. Now was the best time if any to go ahead and take a shower. Grabbing one of the towels from the pile of clothes she went ahead and went into the bathroom.

Turning on the hot water to help the bathroom heat up because it was freezing Violet looked in the mirror. Her normal curly strawberry blonde hair had gone frizzy due to the humidity in the air throughout the day. Sighing she realized that she would have to invest in hair oil, and leave in conditioner while she was here. That was if she didn't want to deal with her hair being a ratty mess all of the time.

Taking off her glasses and laying them on the counter, Violet began to wash the makeup off her face, leaving the porcelain colored skin clean. Making her cool toned blue eyes even brighter. Violet was literally the definition of a ginger without being one. Freckles and all.

Once it was warm enough due to the steam Violet added cold water and jumped on in. The warm water relaxing the tension out of her overly stressed muscles. Today had been an emotionally, and thanks to Mrs. Riddles, a physically excruciating day. Stress was the main thing that caused the most havoc on her mind and body. As it did with almost everyone.

Violet had just started to relax when she heard a loud banging on the front door. Almost falling over from surprise and excitement, thinking her food was there. She tried to get out of the tub and grabbed her housecoat. Violet quickly sprinted to the door. But Whenever she opened the door it wasn't the delivery person, it was Harmony. A frown appeared on Violets lips, making it quite apparent that she was not happy with the sudden surprise.

As the feelings of shock and aggravation rolled through Violet, Harmony stood on her door step looking a bit uncomfortable. This was exactly why Violet didn't let people know where she lived because they liked to show up unannounced.

Movement behind her made Violet look in the general direction. Violet saw Samuel as well as Marcus smiling at her as they shoved each other back and forth playfully. Seeing the two extra uninvited people only darkened her mood. "Why were they smiling like idiots?" Violet thought to herself in aggravation. As realization began to set in, the embarrassment began to over come the first set of emotions. Violet had started to realize she was standing in her housecoat, still dripping wet, in front of her classmates. She really hated people, and Harmony had better have a good reason for being there.