Samuel the Mummy

Violet walked back into the living room where Samuel and the officer were still talking. Bringing the dark haired man the glass of water she sighed. "Sir." Violet said looking at the police officer. "Would it be ok if they stayed here?" The officer looked around the house.

"I don't see why not, but they would have to come back after they received medical care." he said. Violet nodded and then had to get out of the way quickly as a paramedic was coming throug with a stretcher. He was heading in the direction of the sunroom. Violet turned her attention back to Samuel who was now getting attended to from another paramedic. It was the older gentleman from before. "When did he get here?" Violet asked herself. She smiled as she saw Samuel trying to cooperate with the medic. She could tell it was painful. "I'll call my mother and see what she says." she told the officer and then excused herself.

Violet walked back toward the sunroom to check on the others. She had been gone for a while. As she walked through the doors she saw Jessica being placed onto the stretcher. "Violet! Where my bubba?! Is he ok?!" the little girl yelled. She had seemed to startle everyone that was near her. Violet just made her way to the child's side and held her hand.

"Your bubbas ok, he is just getting medical treatment right now." Violet said, reassuring the little girl. But Jessica still looked skeptical.

"Are you coming with us?" Jessica asked her with pleading eyes. Violet sighed. Just a little while ago she had not had a care in the world. Now less then 5 hours later her life had been turned upside down. It seemed as if it was all just a vivid dream. Violet just nodded at the little girls request. She had come this far even offering for them to stay with her. She may as well see it threw. Violet looked at the EMT that was hooking Jessica up to an I.V.

"Would you mind if I sat up there with her? Like held her in my lap?" Violet asked. The two people that were working on getting the child ready to go just looked at each other then shrugged.

"I guess so. We don't see a problem with it. Just make sure you don't kink the tube or pull on the leads or the pulse oxygen." they told her. Violet nodded hopping up on the bed with Jessica and pulled her onto her lap letting her know that she was safe. Harmony and Marcus were right next to her the moment she settled in.

"So, what's the plan?" Marcus asked.

"Well, I'm going to the hospital with Samuel and his little sister..." Violet started to say before the little girl piped in.

"Jessica. My name is Jessica." the little girl said quietly. "I don't want to be called Sammy's little sister." Violet chuckled. Jessica was so very much like her brother. And just as strong as he was if her attitude was anything to go off of.

"Well, I will be going to the hospital with Samuel and Jessica." Violet stated, putting emphasis on the little girls name. "I offered for them to come stay with me since they can't go back to their house." Harmony nodded and said, "Then what?"

Violet shrugged, "I don't know. I haven't thought that far ahead yet. But if you guys want to meet us up there I'm sure Samuel and Jessica here would appreciate it. Plus, Harmony, we may need a ride back home. And I am really going to need someone to talk to." Harmony and Marcus nodded. With that, the paramedics started to move the stretcher toward the ambulance. As they made it outside Violet noticed that the rain had stopped and the sky proudly showed the gleaming stars and the bright full moon. It gave enough light so they made it safely to the ambulance that was waiting on them. As they were hoisted up into the ambulance Violet saw Samuel sitting on one of the benches inside. His whole chest was covered in gauze and bandages.

"Bubba looks like a mummy." Jessica said when they were finally locked into place. Samuel looked at his little sister with a sad smile on his face.