Chapter 25 – Jin Wen’s Secret

"Bi Qingshen Jun….." I circled around him, trying to make him change his mind.

His mouth formed a curve, he then waved his big hands like a palm fan and said, "What did you call me?"

"Shifu….." I didn't have the guts to compromise, losing all face as a cat.

After the problem with the name calling was solved, he said to me, "You can go to school and meet some demons just like you, you might even make some friends."

I asked him what a friend was, and that if I liked the other person, would the other person like me back? Then we can be friends?

Bi Qingshen Jun nods, I then ask, "Then are you and I friends?"

His face becomes stiff again, and he slowly says, "We are master and disciple….."

I stared at him contemptuously, "Can't master and disciple be friends? Wawa and I both like each other so we became friends!"

"You guys reconciled?" Bi Qingshen Jun suddenly asked, "How did you do it?"

"You have to like somebody for that somebody to like you back." I proudly tell him what Xiao'lin has told me, as well as the magic spell "I'm sorry" to him, I did not expect him to be lost in thought, not long after, he pat my head and left.

On one hand I was sleeping while on the other I was waiting for Jin Wen to return, but even after a long time she did return, so I ran over to her room to visit her.

In the whole Xuan Qing Palace, Jin Wen was the only fish, so it was not difficult to find her. Sniffing the air, I immediately came across a room. I heard the sound of Jin Wen's sobbing as I closed in on the door, so I hastily pushed it away to enter.

Jin Wen says without even lifting her head up, "Today I am not feeling well, can't get out of bed, so get someone to substitute me for cooking."

"Meow~ I didn't come to ask you to cook." I quickly replied.

"It's you?" Jin Wen raises her head and looks at me with wary eyes, "What did you come here for?"

I looked at her red eyes with a tear drop forming, I carefully reached forward and wiped it away with my hands, I seriously said, "Jin Wen, I'm sorry."

Jin Wen was stunned, she bursts out laughing, "What are you sorry for? I overestimated my ability to raise my status!"

"Jin Wen, I'm sorry." I repeated, and then said with eyes wide open, "Even though Miao Miao is stupid, don't hate me, ok?"

"Fine, go get me the Pill of Immortality from High God Old Lao then! I won't hate you!" Jin Wen coldly laughed.

"Ok!" I agreed without even thinking.

Jin Wen seeing me agree so readily, was surprised, she stammered, "Did you even know…..this pill is very precious? Only the most elite celestial beings have it….."

"Does shifu have it?" I turn and ask, "I will ask him."

"But…..but…'s very precious…..will he give it ah….." Jin Wen suddenly hesitated, her eyes full of hope.

"Shifu really likes me, he will definitely give it!" I confidently pat my chest, hastily leaving to Bi Qingshen Jun's room.

As day was nearing dusk, he finally came back, he had a smile on his face, seeing me, he did not become angry, he immediately came over and picked me up, and placed me on the desk and said, "Come, let's continue with calligraphy."

I quickly jumped from his arms, held out my hands, and said, "I want the High God Old Lao's Pill of Immortality, give me."

"How did you know about that thing?" He looked stunned, "What do you want that for?"

"To give to Jin Wen." I confessed.

"Can't," Bi Qingshen Jun waved his hands and said, "These pills are cultivated in a furnace for 3000 years, it can revive the dead and heal the sick, I only have two on hand, they are divine artifacts, I can not just hand them to anybody."

I quickly wrapped around him like a child, disturbing him for half a day, he sighed and said, "Jin Wen was sent from the dragon palace, they have always had the reputation of being quite the romantic and deceitful, just like the rumors, she is now taking advantage of your innocence to obtain the pill, I absolutely can't give it to her."

There was really no way to get him to relent, I reluctantly went back to tell Jin Wen what Shen Jun had said, Jin Wen's expression was quite calm, she said dismissively, "I didn't think it was possible, I originally thought that I could obtain the favor of a god, and coax them into given me the pill of immortality, but in the end, it was too difficult."

"What is the pill of immortality used for?" I don't understand, "Is it delicious?"

"Silly cat….." Jin Wen's eyes contained none of the hatred she previously had, only a sort of helplessness, "My younger sister Xiao Xian, about 123 years ago, in a war in the Demon Realm, she fell into a trap, she was gravely injured, her spirit was shattered, even though I've asked many famous doctors, they said she could not be cured, watching her in pain everyday…..feels like a knife going through my heart….."

The words soon turned to sobs, I reached for her again to wipe away her tears, she went on and said, "I wasn't born with the ability to flirt and seduce men…..but… sister needs the Pill of Immortality…..can you help me ask Shen Jun, if it is possible for me to trade my life for the elixir….."

"You can't! I don't want you to die!" I hurriedly opposed, and then curled my lips to form a smile, "We'll steal it."

"Steal?" Jin Wen was surprised.

I flung my tail upright and proudly said, "Yin Zi has always boasted about how well I can steal things! Don't worry, you can leave it to me! You just have to tell me where the Pill of Immortality is!"

"Stealing the pill of immortality is capital offense….." Jin Wen was hesitant, I reassured her of how skilled I was, and that stealing something was no big deal, no one would notice, she thinks again, and finally agreed.

The two of them decide for a long time, finally deciding that they would steal from High God Old Lao's place, since he had so many pills, even if one is missing, no one would notice, not to mention today is the 10th, he is away to deliver a pill to the Jade Emperor, so no one would be in residence.

With our minds made up, we immediately took action, I was surprised to find that Jin Wen's familiarity of the route to High God Old Lao's residence was so good, that with a few turns here and there, we've already arrived. She shyly blushed and said that in these few years, in order to obtain the Pill of Immortality, she's already hooked all of the people in the residence, but her position was too low, so she was unable to obtain it.

That wasn't a problem for me, Jin Wen was holding the me in my cat form, and went in the residence, she chat with the gatekeepers and diverted the attention, while I took the opportunity to quietly scale the walls.

Within the lush greens of the wall, I saw smoke and fire from a furnace, I carefully walked in, but cautious not to wake the sleeping boy nearby.

When could there be a better time? I crawled towards the hearth, but found that the fire was too fierce, not knowing where to begin, so I searched around it for the whereabouts of the pill of immortality.

Jin Wen described it to me before, this thing was red, and had a strange smell, I sniff left and right, but besides the smell of medicine, there wasn't anything special, but then, from within the young lad, came waves of an enticing and seductive fragrance.

Could it be that the pill is in his arms? I went over there and gave him a few glances. This boy had very long eyelashes, greasy skin, tender features, long blue hair simply rolled into buns, he appeared very cute.

I move closer, I gently slip my paws under his clothes, and finally found that the source of the fragrance was coming from a pretty small box from within, so lightly pulled the box out.

After I pulled it out, I opened it to confirm, the item inside was unmistakably red, I immediately fled, but I did not expect the boy to suddenly wake up, he looked at me and screamed loudly, "Help! There's a thief!"