Omolola pov
It's finally Wednesday you know what I will be doing today, I will be visiting my dad's business partners, so you might be like what's the big deal.
But it's a really big deal for me because the parents both want the son and daughter which is me to date each other, marry and give them grandchildren but as it is am not ready for any sort of thing, but since I left to study abroad, that was pushed aside but now the matter is coming up again 🙄.
So I put on a back off shoulder with blue jeans, and cream heels, since I already made my hair,I applied little makeup, then I brushed my hair down took my black bag which contained my phone and other things and went downstairs.
So first I will paint my nails, then I will go over to their house or I will branch tank and tummy and eat sef which one shld I do sef..
What are you thinking of?
Nothing, I answered quickly
That's your problem, me I know you, am I not your mother. Anyway on your way there don't do any branch, branch because I know you you will branch and branch till you forget you have somewhere to go. Now if you drive from here to Mr and Mrs Peter's house it won't take more than 35 minutes, so once its time I will call her if you are not there by that time ehn..
She knows me too well☺️
Mum I won't branch okay, so let me go now before you will say I am wasting time....
Good girl, now don't be disrespectful and also treat Damilola and his mother well, his father won't be there, because of his urgent meeting this morning so it will only be three of you okay.. Now go and please don't disgrace me o
I felt the urge to roll my eyes this moment, but I couldn't do that because of my mummy..
Mummy I am the one visiting them not the other way round so why should I treat them well am the one going there, so call them to treat me well.
Please am already late
Omolola Isabella matthews don't disgrace me..
EMI ti so temi oo(me I have said my own oo)
Whatever you sow you reap oo
Bye mum I said before she starts preaching about whatever you sow you shall reap😑
So how is your mum? Damilola asked
My mum is fine, she said I should send my regards to your and your mum %
OK my mum will be here any minute..
Omolola!! Mrs Toyin shouted, look at you you are taller and you are not even fat😁
Ah Ekasan ma(Good afternoon ma) I knelt down, not that I had a choice but my mum kept repeating it when she was on the phone with me .
Ah, my dear please get up there Is no need for this now, we are family.
I quickly stood up, since the woman said it wasn't necessary.
Ok ma, when I come I won't be kneeling down again.
Ah my dear that's not what I meant, I didn't want you kneeling down for long, but anyway welcome back, how was school.
It was fine ma, I came out with first class degree in accounting.
I was the best in my whole set.
That's good my dear, we need to study hard to be great in future.
I already know that ma, my mum and dad say it all the time.
OK, so I will go and prepare the food now, omolola please come and join me.
Excuse me!!
Oh you didn't hear I said I need your help in the kitchen!!
Oh, sorry ma but that won't be possible, I am your guest so you are meant to prepare the food for me, not me helping you, plus I just fix this nails I was meant to paint it today but since I was coming here, I decided not to that's why it's white without any color.
Emagbami!! Jesu Christi, MO ma RIre o
Ominiscient character
Damilola mum stood up and started to go to the kitchen but Lola interrupted her
Damilola was still shocked from omolola outburst....
"MA, PLS what are you going to prepare" Omolola asked
Mrs Toyin Peter forced a smile and said
"jollof rice and chicken" she replied
OK ma, well since you are the one cooking please don't add plenty salt and pepper to the rice, the chicken I want it fried with ketchup and pls when you want to serve me, please only serve me with wine and if you don't have please just get juice or something,ma are you getting me!
Damilola couldn't watch any longer %
Omolola are you mad, are you out of your senses, where do you think you are a restaurant or do you think you are abroad, now I won't sit back and watch you insult my mother any longer you hear me, now out!!
"Damilola calm down, what I did is not wrong now, look it's called manners that's what I was taught, if you invited someone you are meant to the work for that person, I know you don't know but am teaching you, okay are you getting me 🙄" omolola replied
Omolola thanks for coming now please leave pls do greet your mother and father.
Damilola!! You can't send me out okay, and I can't waste the food your mum will prepare so chillax, your mum is not angry, so why should you..
Omolola out!!
Damilola, calm down omolola Said trying to reason with him
Security! Security!, Damilola shouted
No need am already on my way 🙄, I was not even interested in coming anyway😏..
Hey guys, Nado here..
So there goes another chapter, please comment your thoughts, I did not want to overlood this chapter so I had to stop.
Do you think omolola did the right thing.
Or do you think Damilola is right for throwing her out
Comment below🙏