Chapter 11: Xiao Ren vs Xiao Ning

Then the Third Elder announced the start of the fight. After the two on the stage heard it the Xiao Ren and Xiao Ning both start rushing at each other then they both attack using fist, leg, knee and elbow. At first the two fight almost equally while sometime they dodge the attack before counter attacking.

When the two separate to have a breathing after their round of attacking 'Damn how did this trash managed to be this strong he wasn't like this last month, he was only a 3rd layer in body tempering how the hell did he get to fight me now when I am in 5th layer of body tempering, don't tell me he was also 5th layer now' Xiao Ning thought while staring at Xiao Ren "Good, good, your strong but this time I'm going to attack seriously, eat this trash. Collapsing Fist" Xiao Ning shout then use his Martial Technique.

Collapsing Fist is also a Peak Grade Yellow Rank Martial Technique like the Raging Tiger Fist, but Collapsing Fist only have one move and to train it you need to strengthen the your fist to make it more powerful because if your fist is not strong enough your fist maybe the one to collapse when you use the Collapsing Fist, and in case of Xiao Ning he only just started to strengthen his right fist means he can only use the collapsing fist on his right hand for now.

When Xiao Ren saw that Xiao Ning attack using Collapsing Fist his face turned serious and also use his Martial Technique Raging Tiger Fist "hmmp, your not the only who has a Martial Technique in peak grade yellow rank, Raging Fist" Xiao Ren snorted and use the second move of the Raging Tiger Fist to take on the Collapsing Fist of Xiao Ning.


When Xiao Ren and Xiao Ning's Fist meet their body was thrown back, Xiao Ren's step back in ten steps before regaining his balance while Xiao Ning step back twelve steps. The audience saw that in this clash Xiao Ren has an advantage.

In the audience where the Clan Leader Xiao Lei and the other important person in the clan Xiao Lei said "ohh looks like little Xiao Ning also learned his father's Martial Technique huh... and this kid Xiao Ren also master the second move of the Raging Tiger Fist looks like this two kids is like their father hahahaha" while looking at his son Xiao Hong and Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng then said while looking at Xiao Ren who is on the arena "Hahaha I also didn't think that Ren have reach initial mastery on the second move of the Raging Tiger Fist already because I give him the scroll to learn the Raging Tiger Fist and I only know that he master the first move one week after, but the power is not that powerful as he jeust gained a initial mastery on it"

Meanwhile on the stage Xiao Ning can't believe that he was at disadvantage even when he used his Martial Technique "Impossible, you just get lucky. I don't believe that a trash like you will defeat me haaah!" then Xiao Ning attack Xiao Ren recklessly.

When Xiao Ren saw that Xiao Ning lost his composure he sneer at Xiao Ning "heh, you can't believe it? Then I will show you that I am now stronger than you" Xiao Ren then easily dodge the attack of Xiao Ning and got behind him "Xiao Ning when you battle you also should not lose your composure" When Xiao Ning turned around he saw that Xiao Ren's fist going on his face "Raging Fist" Xiao Ren's Raging Fist then hit Xiao Ning face and Xiao Ning body get thrown in two meters before stopping before he cough blood and when he look up his nose was broken.

"Xiao Ning you lost and you can't defeat me now" Xiao Ren said while looking at Xiao Ning before turning around because he feels that Xiao Ning can't fight anymore.

When Xiao Ning saw that Xiao Ren was walking out he shout "you, the match is still not over I am still not defeated Xiao Ren" and stand up but Xiao Ren didn't even look at him. when he saw that Xiao Ren not look back, Xiao Ning attack Xiao Ren with another Collapsing Fist.

When Xiao Ren feel that Xiao Ning still didn't give up and attack him, he was now really angry "I give you a chance to give up but you didn't take it" and turned around but this time he forgot to hold his strength and show to all his full strength and meet Xiao Ning Collapsing Fist with Raging Fist.


When Xiao Ning and Xiao Ren's fist meet this time Xiao Ren's body didn't move but Xiao Ning get thrown unconscious on the ground because of the force that hit him.

When the audience saw that Xiao Ning still attack when he clearly lost the fight, they frown their brows because they didn't like this attitude but when they feel the power in Xiao Ren's Fist this time they were surprised and someone even shout "tha-that's 6th body tempering realm, Xiao Ren's is at 6th body tempering realm"

The audience was not the only one shock because even the Xiao Lei, The Three elders and Xiao Feng was shocked. after Xiao Lei recovered from shock he start laughing "hahahaha, I didn't think that there would be genius in my grandson hahaha" when Xiao Feng heard his father's laugh he was awakened from his shock and also laugh and said "That little brat, he also didn't tell me that he reach 6th layer body tempering realm haha"

In Xiao Xing er and Xiao Xi's side, Xiao Xing er said with a smile "This guy also reach the 6th layer body tempering in the age of 14 huh" while looking at Xiao Ren. When Xiao Xi heard the word of Xiao Xing er, Xiao Xi said "big brother work hard in training that he even fight a wild beast and even last week he almost died because he encounter a high level wild beast"

When Xiao Xing er heard Xiao Xi she was surprised because now she understands how Xiao Ren have that's strength it was because he even risk his life just to get stronger.

After a while when Xiao Ren go down in the arena to rest because he will face Xiao Xing er next, Xiao Ning was helped by some members of the clan. As Xiao Ren walk in his previous place some members looked at him with amazement and reverence.

As they are looking at Xiao Ren the audience heard a cough and looked who cough and saw that it was the Third Elder and they heard him say "We will have a ten minute break to let Xiao Ren recover from his fight before we will resume the test"

When the audience heard his word they didn't say anything to it, but they're really excited for the fight next because they want to know who will win next but the people are more inclined to Xiao Xing er. because there are rumors that she's already at 7th layer of body tempering and if that's true even if Xiao Ren was at 6th layer he will be defeated but they are still excited to the fight because they know that the two of them are genius having both reach 6th layer at the age of 14.

As they were waiting for the ten minutes break Xiao Xing er and Xiao Ren talk to each other like they will not fight with each other in the next round. Xiao Xing er said while looking at Xiao Ren and giggled as she said "So this is your surprise huh... being a 6th layer body tempering realm your really good but I will not hold back when we fight so don't blame this big sister if I hurt you heheh"

Xiao Ren replied and looked at Xiao Xing er with a smile "I won't haha, in any case I don't want you to hold back and even if you really breakthrough to 7th layer I will still not be easily defeated" as they are talking Xiao Xi who is at the side said while showing her white teeth as she grinned "well I don't want you to both lose but I will be cheering for the two of you in the fight heheh"

After a while the ten minutes break was over and Xiao Ren and Xiao Xing er was called to the arena.