Chapter 20:

After Xiao Ren closed his eyes and slowly sleep, the woman who was in the mark in Xiao Ren's right palm after the stone crystal fuse to him open her eyes, on her surroundings was a room full of flames in different colors as the woman sat on the throne but she didn't seem to be bothered by the heat coming from flames, she was not even sweating as she sat in the throne in the room "Hmmm so this kid was one of the rare reincarnator huh, that's explain why his soul strength is stronger than anyone on his age" the woman said with a smile, earlier after she gave Xiao Ren the red light that cleanse the impurities on Xiao Ren's body and feel his stong soul strength, she got intrigued and read the memories of Xiao Ren, after she read his memory she got the answer why his soul strength is more powerful than his generation and it is because he was a reincarnator.

"This guy's wish on his past life was amusing, you want to become strong and for a woman huh. I guess this is the nature of a man" the woman said while shaking her head when she thought about the memories he saw in Xiao Ren's memory.


The next morning Xiao Ren woke up before he stand up from his bed and go out to wash his face.

After Xiao Ren wash his face he eat with his family for breakfast, after they finish eating Xiao Feng immediately go out because of the clans work while Xiao Ren and Xiao Xi help their mother.

When Xiao Ren finish helping his mother "Mother I'm going to train" Xiao Ren said before he runs towards the mountain.

"Xi er your brother's really became a training maniac" Liu Bing said while shaking her head.

"Yeah he can't even do his promise because he likes to train more than to play with me humph" Xiao Xi said before pouting her lips.

After Xiao Ren got out from home he started using the Tempest Lightning Movement Technique as he goes to the mountain because he wants to use it in continuously and to know how long he can sustain it.

Meanwhile in the main hall of the Xiao Clan, Xiao Lei was sitting in a chair with a round table and around him was the Three Elder's and his three son. "You should know that in two months the 'Three Cities Hunting Competition' is going to start" Xiao Lei said as he tapping his finger on the table.

After hearing the words of Xiao Lei, the Three Elder's, Xiao Fang, Xiao Hong and Xiao Feng think about the Three Cities Hunting Competition. The Three Cities Hunting Competition is like it's name there are three City that will have a competition by sending there younger generation to the Magic Beast Mountain Range to hunt wild beast or even rank 1 magic beast in the outer perimeter of the mountain and one of the city in the three cities is the White Lily City where the Xiao Clan resided and the other two cities is also a second rate city like White Lily City. This Hunting Competition is a tradition every four years of the three cities in the last one hundred years of the three to train there younger generation.

"I called you here to have your opinion who should join the competition in the younger generation of our clan this year" Xiao Lei said while looking at the people around the table.

"Clan Leader how many in our younger generation do we send this year and do the rules change again this year like in the last competition three years ago" The Second Elder said as he looked at Xiao Lei.

"It was still the same we need ten participants while this year's rules is that the participants we send is 18 years old and below" Xiao Lei replied and continue "and I want that the participants is at least a 6th layer in body tempering realm"

"Then we already have two participants which is Xiao Ren and Xiao Xing er while we need to observe the others" Xiao Fan said as he knows that his daughter and nephew Xiao Ren is a 7th layer already and may even breakthrough to 8th layer in this two months.

"I know a disciple in the clan that is at 7th layer of body tempering at the age of 18, we can also choose him to join his name is Xiao Tie my Grandson who is the one who battle Xiao Xing er last year at the test when they were both at 6th layer" the First Elder said.

"Ohh that kid? good we will choose him" Xiao Lei said as he nod his head to the First Elder. "Then we already have three people who will join Xiao Fang will tell little Xing er about this while Xiao Feng will tell Little Ren" Xiao Lei said as he looked at Xiao Fang before Xiao Feng.

After Xiao Lei saw Xiao Fang and Xiao Feng nodded their heads after hearing his orders, Xiao Lei then turned First Elder and spoke "First Elder will tell this to Xiao Tie that he will join the Three Cities Hunting Competition" the First Elder nod his head because Xiao Tie was in his family.

"Alright we will end this meeting" Xiao Lei said with a nod before he stand up.

Meanwhile Xiao Ren was already in his usual training spot. Xiao Ren was already training the Tempest Lightning Movement Technique while moving in the wild.

"Huff huff huff I still can only use it continuously for 15 minutes before getting tired" Xiao Ren said as he take a deep breath before he sat down and massage his trembling knees.

Xiao Ren rest till he feels his legs and knees was not trembling anymore before continuing to practice the Tempest Lightning Movement Technique in a cycle that he will stop when his legs and knees hurt before continuing to train when his leg recovered and this cycle of training continued till afternoon before Xiao Ren decides to go home.

Xiao Ren didn't use the Tempest Lightning Movement Technique to go home and just walk while looking at the nature. After walking for about 15 minutes Xiao Ren got back from the mountain and arrived at the front on his home.

When Xiao Ren entered he saw Xiao Feng stand up and walk towards him "Ren we need to talk" Xiao Feng said as he pat his son's shoulder before going out.

"Alright" Xiao Ren nodded before following his father.

"Ren in two months you know that the three cities hunting competition will begin right?" Xiao Fen said as he looked at Xiao Ren

Xiao Ren thought for a moment when he heard his father's question before he said "it is the tradition of the three cities including our Xiao Clan that happened every four years"

"Hmmm, This time you are one of the participants that will join in the Xiao Clan but you need to be careful as you are fighting wild beast or maybe you encounter a rank 1 magic beast" Xiao Feng said while staring at Xiao Ren "I'm telling you now so that you can prepare yourself more so don't slack at training"

Xiao Ren smiled at his Father's word before saying "I am not slacking don't worry father haha, Is Sister Xing er also one of the Participants?" Xiao Ren asked as he really was not close to others aside from Xiao Xing er.

"Hmmm, she is also one of the participants and their is another one, while the other seven was still not selected" Xiao Feng said "well let's go back I just tell you this earlier for you to be more prepared"

"Alright" Xiao Ren said before going back to home with his father. After they go back home Xiao Feng, Liu Bing, Xiao Ren and Xiao Xi start eating and when they finish the food Xiao Ren goes back to his room.

In Xiao Ren's room Xiao Ren was sitting cross leg as he meditate and suddenly his body trembled and the air around him seemed to be shock. After a while Xiao Ren opened his eyes before smiling "Hehe I really got a breakthrough to 8th layer haha" after Xiao Ren laugh he stand up in the bed and clenched his fist and punch in the air.


After punching in the air his fist made and air sound "After I get to master my strength at 8th layer I will consume the rank 3 medicine pill to breakthrough to 9th layer I think in the competition in two months I will be at 9th layer" Xiao Ren said with a smile before he lay in the bed and closed his eyes to sleep.