Chapter 25:

"well I think you two should now have guess what this item haha" Xiao Ren said while loosening the cloth around the sword.

Hearing his words make Xiao Xing er and Xiao Xi more serious what is really inside that cloth "Big brother hurry up why are you so slow" Xiao Xi said as she watch his hands slowly loosen the cloth around the long item.

"Hahaha alright alright" Xiao Ren said with a laugh before he move his hands faster to loose the cloth.

Seconds passed while Xiao Ren loose the cloth, Xiao Xing er and Xiao Xi started to see the Black Black with a hint of blue on its edge. After a while Xiao Xing er and Xiao Xi completely saw the whole appearance of the item wrapped in cloth.

This scene attract a different reactions from the two girls.

"That's... a sword" Xiao Xing er said surprise while staring at it wide eyed.

"Big brother why do you have that" Xiao Xi said while pointing at the sword.

"Hmmm, Well I have it forge in the city as I want a sword as my weapon" Xiao Ren nodded with a smile while holding the sword on its hilt.

"Ohh... Then do you already know how to use a sword?" Xiao Xing er ask as she know that Xiao Ren didn't train swordsmanship in the past.

"Yeah I already have some knowledge in using a sword" Xiao Ren replied with a smile.

"hmmm want to spar with me but this time were using a weapon?" Xiao Xing er said before taking a whip that was in her right waist.

"Uhh... do we really need to? I would like to spar and use a sword while fighting you but what if an accident happened and I accidentally hurt you" Xiao Ren said with a worried look.

"Hey you brat... Are you underestimating me? I already master to use a whip while you only recently learned to use a sword and If you think you can cut me then you must need to get close to me for you to try hurting with your sword" Xiao Xing er said irritated as she feel like Xiao Ren was underestimating her but she also feel something aside from being irritated, but she doesn't know what it was.

"Uhh no I'm not underestimating you but... Okay let's do it" Xiao Ren accepted as he feel Xiao Xing er's gaze on his body.

"Hey, you two are the only one training. you seem to forget about me" Xiao Xi said when she heard that Xiao Xing er and Xiao Ren will spar again.

Xiao Xing er and Xiao Ren was both startled before feeling embarrassed as they really both forgot about Xiao Xi.

"Ahh well we will spar later and help my cute little sister first" Xiao Ren said before walking towards Xiao Xi to help her in her training while Xiao Xing er also nod her head and also help Xiao Xi.

Time past by and it was already three hours since they started training Xiao Xi and after a while the three of them rest and eat in the courtyard. The three started eating the food that was bring by the servant when they rest after a tiring training "Hey junior brother Ren when did you start using a sword and why did you suddenly use a weapon?" Xiao Xing er ask while still eating.

"Uhmm this last few days when father informed me about the Three Cities Hunting Competition and said that I must be prepared so I decided to use a weapon as I know that I can't always win to others if they have a weapon while I don't" Xiao Ren replied while still focusing on eating.

"Ohh I also heard that you are also a participant from father, but I guess you have a point and... you will see that you are right later" Xiao Xing er said with a smile and turned to look at Xiao Ren.

"Ahmm, What are you two talking about?" Xiao Xi asked as she don't fully understand what they were talking.

"Ahh you don't know about it, It is because..." hearing Xiao Xi's question Xiao Xing er then explain to her what is the Three Cities Hunting Competition and that the two of them are one of the participants of the Xiao Clan this year.

After a while of explaining and answering the question of Xiao Xi, Xiao Xi finally understand the three cities hunting competition "So Big brother and sister Xing er will not be here for a whole week in the next two months?" Xiao Xi asked sadly to the two of them.

Seeing Xiao Xi was down "Well you know a week is really fast don't worry we will come back before you know it" Xiao Xing er said to console Xiao Xi while Xiao Ren nod his head to show that what Xiao Xing er is true.

"Besides it was still in two months so you don't have to be sad now" Xiao Ren said seeing that Xiao Xi was still sad "Don't worry starting tomorrow I will always train with you right Sister Xing er" Xiao Ren said before turning his head to look at Xiao Xing er.

Hearing his word Xiao Xi's face brightens "Hmmm you said it so don't you take back your word" Xiao Xi said with a smile before continuing to eat.

"Haaa okay" Xiao Ren said with a sigh as Xiao Xi went back to her usual self. After a while Xiao Ren and the other two finally finish eating and rest for a little more before they went back to training.

"Xiao Xi, I and Sister Xing er will spar first before we help you again okay?" Xiao Ren said to Xiao Xi as he was also excited to try to fight using his sword.

"Alright" Xiao Xi said before stepping back for a few meters to give the two space for their fight.

Xiao Ren nodded before turning to look at Xiao Xing er "Sister Xing er here I come" Xiao Ren said before charging at Xiao Xing er with the Black Myrtle Sword in his hand.

Seeing Xiao Ren charging towards her, Xiao Xing er jump back before she slash her whip towards Xiao Ren.

As Xiao Ren advance he saw the whip already getting close to him that force him to stop and he tried to block it using his sword.


Sparks fly to the air when Xiao Ren black the red colored whip but Xiao Ren still didn't recover from their clash but there was another attack striking towards him as the red whip started slashing towards him again.

"F*ck, I can't get close" Xiao Ren cursed as he jumped back to dodge the attack but the whip once again change its course striking him again.

This continues as Xiao Ren just started defending as from the start he still didn't get a chance to attack Xiao Xing er. "Hey didn't you say that you can hurt me?" Xiao Xing er said while letting out a smile as she kept attacking Xiao Ren.

'If only I can just get close' Xiao Ren thought as he continued to dodge the attack that he can dodge while blocking those that he cannot dodge with his sword and start using his movement technique the Tempest Lightning Movement Technique while Xiao Xing er also use her movement technique to dodge Xiao Ren when he got close enough to attack her.

The two continue with their exchange and Xiao Ren already have some wounds with some tear on his clothes while their wasn't a single wounds on Xiao Xing er.

As they continue to fight Xiao Ren started getting close and made a better block that won't hurt him 'He is already getting use to my attack and getting better at using his sword, did he really just learned using a sword a couple of days?' Xiao Xing er asked in her mind while continuing to attack Xiao Ren.

Seeing that Xiao Ren getting used to her attack Xiao Xing er get more serious and the whip in his hands get more a bit faster.

Sensing that the speed of the whip get fast, Xiao Ren didn't panicked because he knows that if he panic he will just get lose more earlier.

'still not enough then I will add some tricks to defeat you' Xiao Xing er thought before attacking. Xiao Ren dodge the attack and suddenly he finds a chance to get close to Xiao Xing er so he charged while using the Tempest Lightning Movement Technique.

Xiao Ren arrived next to Xiao Xing er and was going to slash while Xiao Xing er suddenly smile and jump back to dodge his attack and said "I got you"

Hearing her voice, Xiao Ren didn't understand it first but he suddenly hear something 'swoosh'

"Arghh" Xiao Ren shout in pain as the whip hit him on his back.

"I won hehehe" Xiao Xing er said while pointing her hands at him.