Chapter 36:

A few minutes ago, Xiao Xing er and Ying Hong watched Xiao Ren fight against the leader of the blue fur wolf and saw that Xiao Ren was starting to have an advantage in the fight when suddenly they feel the energy of heaven and earth gather at Xiao Ren and he suddenly exerted a stronger pressure than before and Xiao Ren suddenly become more faster that Xiao Xing er only saw a blur of him while even though Ying Hong managed to follow Xiao Ren she know that he really got much faster than before.

Xiao Xing er and Ying Hong eyes followed Xiao Ren's movement and saw him appear on the side of the blue fur wolf and killed it as he pierced it's neck. Xiao Xing er showed a surprised looked on her face while even though showed a surprised expression it wasn't as much as Xiao Xing er. The two of them stared at Xiao Ren when the two suddenly heard his excited voice "I Breakthrough?..."

Xiao Xing er recover from her shocked "He already made a breakthrough this fast... and become a first younger generation of Xiao Clan to achieve 1st layer of Martial Apprentice when he just became a 9th layer body tempering last week" Xiao Xing er murmured before her face showed a more determined expression as her pride didn't want to get behind in Xiao Ren.

Even though Xiao Xing er's words was not loud, Ying Hong managed to hear her words and suddenly looked at her before asking "he just breakthrough to 9th layer body tempering last week?" Ying Hong asked with a very strange expression as even she stayed in 9th layer body tempering for almost half a year before he managed to breakthrough to Martial Apprentice and she also used a rank 4 pill to succeed and she suddenly heard that this Xiao Ren become a martial apprentice after a week on becoming a 8th layer body tempering.

"Hmmm, we both just made a breakthrough last week, and now he become a martial apprentice already" Xiao Xing er nodded her head and answered Ying Hong while still looking at Xiao Ren and because of it she didn't saw the shocked face of Ying Hong after she said it.

While the two of them were talking Xiao Ren started to walk towards them and after a while he arrived at the front of the two "Sister Xing er you okay? haha" Xiao Ren asked as he guessed that Xiao Xing er was facing many beast on her own before He and Ying Hong arrived but luckily the leader of the blue fur wolf didn't attack before they arrived.

"hmmm, I'm okay just a little bit tired" Xiao Xing er replied with a nod when she heard him asked about her.

Xiao Ren smiled when he heard her answer before turning to Ying Hong and said a bow his head "Miss Ying thanks again for your help"

Hearing his voice, Ying Hong wake up from her shock and immediately said "No... It was alright, that was nothing"

"No... for us your help was big and if you didn't help us the others might die" Xiao Ren said before looking at Xiao Ning and the others that was resting a few meters away from them.

YIng Hong stared at Xiao Ren for a while before turning her head to others and also realized his words and just nod her head to acknowledged his words. Seeing this Xiao Ren smiled before saying as he introduced them to each other " Sister Xing er, this is Ying Hong, Miss Ying this is Xiao Xing er my cousin well you can talk for a while I will just go them" after saying this, Xiao Ren then walked towards Xiao Ning, Xiao Wei and the others.

Xiao Xing er stared at the two for a while " 'cough' miss I also like to thank you for your help, ahh I'm Xiao Xing er, you can call me Xing er we were talking earlier but I still don't know your name" Xiao Xing er said with a smile after she got enough strength to stand up before she raised her hand to have a handshake at Ying Hong.

"I'm Ying Hong you can just call me Ying" Ying Hong said before taking Xiao Xing er's hand and shake it.

"Uhmm, Can I asked how you know Xiao Ren?" Xiao Xing er asked as she looked at Xiao Ren who was talking at the others before looking at Ying Hong.

"Uhh I saw him lying unconscious in the ground yesterday night and take him with me as I thought that he will die if a beast suddenly attack him while he was unconscious" Ying Hong answered her questions as she looked at Xiao Xing er's eyes.

"Ohh, then you help him, thank you again for helping him" Xiao Xing er thanked her with a smile.

"Ohh that was nothing... he already paid for it as he cook food for me yesterday night" Ying Hong said as she also smile and look at Xiao Ren.

When Xiao Xing er heard her, she doesn't know what it was but she suddenly got irritated for some reason when she heard that Xiao Ren cooked food for Ying Hong before staring at Xiao Ren and now decided what should she have Xiao Ren do as she still didn't punished him when Xiao Ren saw her naked in her room and it once again show in her mind making her face bright red that seems like blood will flow out from it.

Ying Hong looked at Xiao Xing er as she went silent and saw that her face was bright red " Xing er are you okay? your face is bright red" Ying Hong asked her to know what happened.

"ahh I-i was al-alright don't worry about me" Xiao Xing er replied with a stuttered voice. "Uhmm let's also get there?" Xiao Xing er said and without waiting for Ying Hong's answer she run towards the others as she doesn't want Ying Hong asked again why her face was red. Ying Hong stared at her back and was clueless why she suddenly act like that and follow her and walked towards Xiao Ren and the others.

After a while Xiao Ren introduced Ying Hong to Xiao Wei, Xiao Ning and the others before all of them expressed their thanks to her because when she help them deal with the three blue fur wolf Xiao Zhan and Xiao Jian almost died as they didn't have anymore fighting strength because of their heavy injuries while even though Xiao Tie was at 8th layer he can only defend himself and can't help the others. after saying their thanks to Ying Hong all of them leave the area before stopping one kilo meter away from where they fight and started to rest while Xiao Ren walk towards Xiao Xing er and started to rebuke her for a while as she was too careless in the fight when he and Ying Hong arrived.

As they continued to rest, there are some wild beast that attack them but it easily deal with by Xiao Ren, Xiao Xing er and Ying Hong. Time passed and night arrive and Xiao Xiu and Xia Ying cooked the food as there were some wild beast that laid down in the ground dead after they were killed by Xiao Ren and the other two girls.

After a while the food was done and they started eating while Ying Hong stared at her food before looking at the others who was already devouring their food. "So miss Ying, you still don't want to eat? you can't eat your food with a veil on your face right?" Xiao Ren teased her as she just look at the food and don't eat. In the fast few hours Xiao Ren, Xiao Xing er and Ying Hong got closer as they continued to talk while the others rest that Xiao Ren has now have a guts to teased her.

"Humph, you really want to see my face don't you? but I won't let you bleeh..." Ying Hong said before she stands up and go to a branch of the tree and their and because of the darkness Xiao Ren can't see her face as she eat. Meanwhile Xiao Xing er who saw this suddenly frown her brows before she pinch Xiao Ren's waist.

"Ahhh AHHH!!!" Xiao Ren exclaimed when he felt a pain on his side and saw that it was Xiao Xing er who did this "Sister Xing er? please ahh! stop" Xiao Ren begged him as he can't do anything as his hands was occupied as he hold his plate in his and doesn't want it to spilled.

Hearing Xiao Ren's begging, Xiao Xing er stopped pinching him "Humph, scoundrel!" Xiao Xing er snorted before she stands up and left Xiao Ren alone.