C2: Attribute?

"I'm not your enemy."

"You're not one of my own." he retorted. The coldness from his eyes and sword still focused on her.

"And I'm not asking to be one." Francesca has no plans being a soldier again for the second time.

She wants to live but not at the expense of her freedom.

They stared at each other, both of them too prideful to lose the staring contest. Even if she felt the blood trickle down her neck, Francesca kept her stance from his sword.

"What is your Attribute?"

"What's that?" she said. Nothing in her tone indicated she was ashamed of her ignorance.

Different emotions flashed in the man's eyes, seeming to asses the person in front of him. This only made her steel her gaze even further.

After what seemed like an eternity, he removed the sword and put it in his scabbard. A sigh of relief softly escaped from her.

The man walked out of the shore and a soldier in full armor saluted with his fist pressed on his chest. Metal covered his whole body except for a little slit for the eyes.

"Take her in." he said. "I'll deal with her later." He cast one last glance to her and left..

"Yes, my Lord."

The words "deal with her" made her twitch. What's that supposed to mean?

She was not afraid but rather uneasy. Francesca doesn't have a clue about this world and not knowing anything doesn't settle very well with her.

The soldier approached crossing the bodies skillfully. The water posed no difficulty as he walked like she was on land.

He stopped in front of her and removed the helmet on his head. Red hair flowed out which was neatly tucked into a braid. The smooth and delicate face were clear indicators that he was a she.

"That was amazing!" she squealed in delight. "No one has talked to the Lord like that except for the emperor!" Her green eyes shone brightly at Francesca like a little kid pleading for a new toy.

"Th-thanks." She pushed her a bit, not comfortable with the sudden closeness.

"Do you really not know your attribute?" she said not noticing Francesca's reaction. "That is so weird! What's with your clothes? Are you not from Raydan?" She was bombarded with questions one after the other.

"Raydan?" Francesca decided to ask instead. Divert her attention.

"Yes." she replied. "From the Eastern deserts of Camaria to the ports of Lissy is the Raydan Empire. I guess that explains your clothes."

Francesca realized she was dripping wet. She still wore the same leather jacket and jeans when she got mowed by the truck. The accident played in her head like a distant memory. She felt her feet completely wet.

The coldness of the lake told Francesca that right now, it is nothing but a memory. Everything around her was the new reality.

"So where are you from?" she asked.

"I came from a small town." she answered.

"Which town doesn't have that in this day and age?! Is your town under a rock?" she said clearly shocked.

Francesca felt awkward but also found her honesty quite cute. The word spill out from her mouth unfiltered which she was quite fond of.

"Um...our town is really secluded. I went out for the first time and was robbed on the way." Francesca decided on this story, hoping to prevent further questions she can't answer.

The soldier nodded understandingly. She seemed to think something is off from her story but eventually let it go.

She then led Frances to the base camp.

"Ah!" The soldier said suddenly, stopping their tracks. "Where are my manners? I am Yulia of House Novik. Nice to meet you!" she said and offered her hand.

Francesca reached for her palm but half of her arm was taken instead. She let out a forced smile to answer Yulia's enthusiasm.

"It's..." she stopped in thought.

That name held memories of betrayal. However she can't deny that she is who she is because of them. Nothing can change that.

Yulia held her arm, looking at her quizzically. "Its Fran. Fran of Ascec." She followed suit in Yulia's example of introduction.

"Well then, Fran of Ascec, welcome to Raydan!"

They reached a clearing filled with tents. Everyone was attending to their own duties packing up. Yulia was called to help out and Fran was left alone. Not knowing where to go, she stood there like a lost child. A few glances made her way but she was soon disregarded.

"Today," a voice caught the attention of everyone. "She will be staying with us."

Even without him pointing her, everyone knew he was talking about Francesca.

The soldiers began exchanging cautious glances. They don't dare to disagree but their questions didn't go unvoiced.

All voices came to a stop with the sudden pressure. The very air they breathed was heavy which made normal people gasping.

"Yes, my Lord!" The soldiers recognized the warning given to them and immediately answered him.

Fran was able to act like nothing happened as it was just very brief. Any longer and she would be on the ground.

Everyone went back to their packing, taking no notice of Fran anymore which she is most grateful for.

Yulia rushed to her and let her sit under a tree to treat her wound. She pulled out an ointment and began applying it on her neck. Fran's thoughts drifted back to the cold man. Not even a word out of him and he could command a large group of soldiers.

"Who was that man?"

Yulia checked where Fran was looking at. "Oh, you mean the Lord." She continued wrapping bandage on her neck. "He is the brother of the emperor and General of the Royal Army. Aside from that, nothing is known. Not even his name. He's just known as the Lord."

"Has no one asked?"

"A lot of people asked. There's a lot of rumors to why the Lord has no name. Some say he killed everyone who knew his name. Some say his name is cursed and anyone will suffer great pain saying his name. Some also say he just didn't like it and hasn't let anyone address him as such. Whatever it may be, no one knows and are afraid to find out."

"Done!" Yulia clapped her hands as she finished bandaging.

"We're moving out!" Someone shouted.

They stood up and began to join the others back to the capital.