I groan and walk to my new room which needed some life it was to bland with these stone walls but at least it had an window I could get fresh air from. Anyways me room had another room attached to it. The door to it did not have anything to stop it so when I pushed on it and walked in the door close on it own going back and forth a few times to get there. The door lead to an bathroom it was weird looking. The bathtub was big enough for to of me. It also had an handle by a purple crystal like stone which had some steaming water engraved in it. the color of the engraving was white. The tub also had something on the bottom of it it was a...whatchamacallit...a...a...plug, yes that's it. there was also an toilet that was not an hole in the ground. it had some kind of lever on the side of it on the wall that is easy to reach from the toilet. It was very small.
Just by looking in this place I could tell I had no place here. It's very fancy, very suffocating. It's...ss.....An big change. I don't know how to use any of this stuff so I'm stomped about what my next move is. Do I go ask for help do I go to my parents or my sister. Yeah I'm going to my sister's about this. She should know what to do riiitttgght... shouldn't she know... she definitely knows she been here longer than me. I go to walk thought the door I remember something. I should have asked them all were their rooms were. I guess I'll have to figure it out on my own. I don't feel like yelling and becoming an nuisance and I need to be independent if I am two become a leader that one of the key skills I need.
So I move to the toilet and pull the lever. The toilet water starts to swirl and dwindle then it's gone two second after it refilled with water. (The hell is this, don't get me wrong it's cool, but I just....I....man it's different. I wonder how it works.) I'm going to the bath next and touched the crystal, nothing happened. Maybe I have to imagine it in my mind while touching it for it to happen. so I Imagined the steaming water that was on the crystal and touch it. Water start to gather in the air an plop in the pool and get a little water on my cloths. the water all so starts to steam. I take my cloths off an get in and wash. I got the soap from the sink...I think...yeah the sink. I get in the tub and relax but stay cautious I just don't trust the bathroom and I don't know why.
I was dressed in black pants, and shoes. with an short sleeved shirt with buttons lined down the middle. i then went to the dining room to wait of the others. how in the fiery hell are they not dressed before me I'm stuck waiting now oh well. when they come down they're in beautiful dresses. both moms in red, white, and black with different designs, Zlia in black with white fluff and red earrings. They looked like royalty but still not worth the wait but I didn't say anything. My mom looked at me and said "oh no" and went to get me new cloths. mom came down with an white collared button shirt. maw came in with an red vest with leaf patterns in it.. when I finished changing maw put my hair in one big braid. mom had also came with an jacket they also had this bow tie. Sis told me I looked good but she was to nice for me to take her seriously. We walk outside and it's my peace and release. It nice we get out of the house and let the sun hit my face. we get to the street and start to walk to the place.
I'm just enjoy the smells of the area not paying attention. Then I got this smell I just had to follow, it was to good of an smell to pass up. as i got closer i started to breath heavily then I saw her. she was a little taller than me and had white hair as long as mind she was pretty with an scar on her right eye. I walked up to her and held out my hand two greet her she pushed it away making me sad for an second but she only was moving it out of the way to hug me. not going to lie i loved it she had her face in my neck her breath made me shudder it was very cold. she whispered and said "my soulmate" at that I put my face in her neck, I could not hold back kissing it. she made an cute noise when I did, I might just have fallen in lov-N-no what's up with this. Man, if Cynthia had bet something I would have to pay her in something she choses. I was cut off from what I was thing of when she kiss me back but on the lips this time it gave me a gentle spark in my lower reign. I started to harden so i tried to get out of the hold and failed. she started to tear and I'm not going to make my Queen cry. wait did i just call her my queen god I'm gone with the wind. anyway i move close to her trying to keep my little friend away from her but it brush's against her leg she fills it. and tighten her grip on me and whispers "Your all i ever wanted so no i can not let you leave me just yet or ever really." I say "I would never leave you i was just trying to hind my friend didn't know if it was wanted." she laughs and says "your all I really wanted in life so you don't need to worry at all about that. oh and I...Look....Forward...To...Our...First...Night...don't...You..." while kissing my lips down my neck. Then she look in my eyes and said " would your family like to have dinner with mine."
Their they were just sitting there with their mouth wide open. Zila say "My whole family does not care for an secluded setting." our moms said sure. we sit with my mates family and since I was rocking this mega bump my mate decided to sit on my lap. no one was surprise about it I felt something wrap around my waist it was a white and fuzzy tail I liked it. I spaced out for 20 minutes and clamed down and found out her name is Salena, but then she started to wiggle on me and lay back on me. I didn't face her because I know she was going to make me lose my mind with the look she would give me. I could feel two sets of killing intent from her dad and my mom. Why were they stare at me I turn to look at my mate and she was looking at me and i remember why i was faced away from her in the first place. I Quickly eat and my food and rushed out the door with Salena in toe. I stopped in my tracks and looked at Salena she was panting and wobbling. I was about to apologize when she jumped on me legs and tail around my waist arm around my neck and she kiss me and said