

(hi I'm back😭😭😭🙈🙈🙈🙈🙊🙊🙊🙊😂😂😂😂😂 Soooo how yall been.....😅😅😅😅 hehe uh a ha😐😐😶😶😶😶😶🔼🔽🔼🔽. i'ma just 👈👈👈👈👈🚶🚶🏃yall get the reference if you do so happy that man back)

I woke up to a amazing smell it was like lemons and oranges mixed with many others. opening my eye to be surrounded by a grass plains I did not remember. I didn't realize I was laying down so i sat up to be met with five tiny smile along 10 big ones. the tiny ones said something but i could hear. It looked like papa

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memory incomplete must complete the following





could not understand.









They must be unlocked by shock of [THE QUEENS].

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Do i have family out there that i cannot remember? is this my first life or my second one? or maybe it's the future. Aaaaaahhhhhhhh this is so fucking confusing i don't even know what they look like. shit this gone be one hell of a ride.

"babe wake up you can't do this to me twice. huh, shes mumbling in her sleep. I wonder what that is about " Salena says as she slap me twice on the right side of my cheek. I flatter my eyes open to see my worried mate. "Icy im sorry I don't know what happen. oh, why don't you have on clothes. huh did I pass out". this it me trying my best to change the subject so she doesn't get any ideas. of course I couldn't forget the body that made me pass out 'How the hell am I so lucky'.

Just looking at her make me all fuzzy inside. wish brings me to an conclusion I well not be doing anything to her or with her until i am ten. I can not risk having babys when i am so weak. how can I jump so far and not know how to handle baby dragon turtles. i mean, they's some toddlers. Mom can get them to summit with a look. Man i need to train, i have so little time to get ready for the trip.

"hey...um...salena do you and your family live here or it this a vacation trip" i ask with some nervousness in my voice. " no i don't live here, yes it a vacation but we come here for a month every 3 years. so there is a guarantee that we will meet again." she says with a said smile on her face. "when do you and your family leave " ask with the steel resolve to not crumble in her sight.

"next weekend, two days after new years."