Ch 2 Part 3

Soldier: "Sir, we are just a little concerned that you are being too preoccupied by your mate lately. It's making us all overly concerned."

Nuvaro: "Well there is a reason for that. And I am going to share that with you all now. That way you can help to guard her more. This concerns everyone really, it does."

They all stared in confusion as they waited for his further response. They all knew him well enough to know that if he acted in certain ways there was a damned good reason for it. All they could do now was wait for the announcement.

Nuvaro: "I am more than pleased to announce that me and my mate are going to have a child. Possibly twins due to her family's background."

Cedren: "It is true, the sham-men and mid-wife have confirmed. (I was so embarrassed that he had announced in front of everyone, my whole face must be lobster red. All I want to do is bury my face in his shoulder right now.) By the Gods, I can't believe you said that to everyone."

Nuvaro: "So I am asking you all to be on your guard even more now. After all this is the future of our clan. As you know, it cannot continue without the next generation." (He reached over squeezing my hand in his and softly smiled at me.)

Soldiers: "Oh my god sir, that fantastic. Of course, we will help to keep her more guarded sir, you are the only surviving son after all. And when we get back, we'll make sure to pray to the gods for your child's health."

All the soldiers cheered for us as our evening ended. Thankfully, it seemed as though we were celebrating our hunting day as usual, especially if we had a big haul, there was always a cause for celebration on that kind of occasion. The first set of carts were completely loaded with food and herbs had now been sent back to the village at this point. After an hour or so Nuvaro and I went to our tent, I was tired after all. As soon as we were inside, he could hardly contain himself. He snatched me up before I could protest and headed toward the futon. He set me down as though I was made of porcelain and began softly kissing me. I softly purred in response as he started to move down my neck. Sniffing softly as he did. After a few minutes he began to speak again.

Nuvaro: "Now that we are alone, I never did put it together till now."

Cedren: "Put what together, love?"

Nuvaro: "Oh the one smell I was getting from you. I could sense something was different for a month or so now but just could not place it. I also was just too busy to ask either. Sorry about that. But I will definitely have it memorized now." (He sniffed me again and again; as though he could not get enough of me.)

Cedren: "Oh so that's what had been bothering you and I just couldn't place it. I am sorry to, I just had to be sure first. And when we get back to the village, we will have to make an offering to the gods, Inari and Jizzo."

Nuvaro: "You are right, we really must pray for a healthy child and good year. This is our first after all." (He continued smiling brightly at me as he nuzzled me once more with vigor.)

He smiled softly as he pulled me close wrapping his arms around me, as if to protect me from the whole world. He gave me several wanting groans as though he was fighting to hold himself back from me. I lightly laughed as I smiled at him. Thinking to myself, I wanted him just as badly, but we needed to get up somewhat early for the final day of the hunt, it was usually our busiest day. He growled softly as he nuzzled me once again, soon after we fell asleep in each other's arms. I was surprised that I had woke up a little later than usual. I was kind of puzzled to the new development. I sat up slowly and stretched as I got the night's sleep broke loose from my eyes; I looked around the room for Nuvaro. Before I could say anything to him, he beat me to it.

Nuvaro: "Before you say anything, I know its slightly later than the usual wake up time. I just thought you could use the extra hour."

Cedren: (I looked at him puzzled only for a moment before replying with a slight laugh.) "You did not have to do that. I am still early on. I still have another ten to eleven months to go you know. I won't even show for another four months, as long as it's only one anyway."

Nuvaro: "I know, I just do not want you to overdo it at all. This is our first child you know."

I could not help but giggle even harder at his overreaction as I got up wrapping my arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. I was so happy over his display of affection. I quickly put on my attire and once again wrapped my arms around my mate once more. After a few more minutes, he softly growled in my ear letting me know we really needed to get the day under way. We reluctantly separated as we finished our prep for the morning. We then headed out to the main sitting area. Then men all turned to us as they cheered as they raised their glasses to us. We just shook our heads with a soft smile. After eating, we began to divide up the guard duties again. The second day went off without a hitch and yet another load of meat and medicinal herbs was headed for the village again. We headed to our tent that evening, and Nuvaro once again snatched me up and headed toward the futon. He softly growled in my ear and softly kissed me on my cheeks; then he slowly moved down my neck. It was almost as if he could hardly contain himself with how bad he wanted me. But because we had yet another early morning, he reluctantly just wrapped his arms around me once again, pulling me close.

As though he were protecting a crown jewel, as he softly rubbed my stomach, lightly muttering to himself with soft excitement. But I was too tired to pay close attention to what he was muttering, I was just enjoying the soft rubbing touches of my mate as I tried to drift off to sleep. But he was intent on biting my neck softly has he once again sucked my skin lightly leaving another mark for all the soldiers to see. The third morning had finally come, and we got up as usual, we headed out and ate breakfast with the men and prepped for the day. Shortly after eating, we saw the pan's off and wished them luck on their last day of gathering. On the outskirts, the village girl Krista, and Amon the Slaver, with his men, were preparing to finally strike. They headed toward the area they had seen Cedren go the last two days and prepared to wait. Meanwhile, Nuvaro and Cedren had arrived in the area to start their final hunt for this trip. Nuvaro kissed Cedren once more then turned to his men and told them to guard me well. I smiled softly as he insisted that a few guards stay with me yet again. After it was decided, he turned to me and them.

Nuvaro: "Alright then. Just stay close to them and try not to move to far away from the area we mapped out. Something just feels off in the winds today. I cannot quite explain. It has been bugging me most of the morning. I just do not know the unfamiliar scent I keep smelling."

Cedren: "Do not worry, we will be fine. Just make sure to keep your nose on the wind looking out for my scent. You know that's all we have to do for each other."

Nuvaro: "You know I always will. Besides, I will find you no matter where you are. You can believe me in that."

I smiled softly as he kissed me one last time with a light nip of my bottom lip, he lightly sniffed me again, and headed off to his area of the map. Waving him off, we set out to begin our hunt. Meanwhile, staring coldly at the scene from a distance, the village girl Krista and the Amon the Slaver were getting irritated at the very sight before them. Before too long Amon the Slaver turned and looked at Krista with a look of hatred and utter distain. Nothing they were doing seemed to be as she had described their habits to be, and it was making Amon the Slaver captain rather mad. Nothing was as it had been described one bit. There seemed to be only one way this was going to end, but Krista had no clue about it. She was still clinging to her hope that things would work out the way she planned them.