Ch 8 Part 2

Nuvaro: "Well my love, what do you think? Father and I had the town carpenter spend some time designing a chair just for you to sit in and be comfortable. I really had been missing you at dinner with us."

Cedren: "Oh my love, when did you even have time to have this requested? It is just beautiful in its design."

Nuvaro: "To be honest, I had the town woodcarver working on it for the last two months now. I had talked it over with father and figured you would like this more than having more items for the children built. It was getting so awkward not having you in the dining hall with me at dinner time. I even had him design a little table just for you to eat from."

The though alone was enough to bring tears to Cedren' s eyes. It was then that her brother and friend walked in. Cedro almost looked upset till he realized his sister was crying out of happiness. After all the kissing of his cheek was enough to let him know it was not anything bad. Ren also had a puzzled look on his face, but only momentarily till he realized the chair was sitting there with a matching table was what she had been looking at. He smiled big and lightly pat Cedro on the shoulder pointing it out. Cedro smiled big himself as he walked up to Nuvaro and slightly tapped his shoulder.

Cedro: "I was almost upset till I realized my sister was crying out of happiness. That chair and table set up looks perfect for my sister to use during her pregnancy. I cannot believe you thought of that."

Nuvaro: "Well I could not take her not being with me when I was in the dining hall. I had to figure something out. After all she has done to help me with the troops and maintaining the food stores. But now in her condition, she deserves to be comfortable."

Ren: "Man, you lucked out with her then did you not?"

Nuvaro: (Smiling brightly, his grin gave it away…) "You have no idea. I could not be happier right now if I wanted to be. And no one is going to get my mate. I do believe I proved that when she had to be retrieved thanks to that traitor a while back."

Cedro: "That I cannot deny. Well what do you say we all have a seat at the table and come up with the strategy for the big hunt then?"

Nuvaro: "That's a good idea. And with the chair and table I had made for you my love, you can finally help me with some things again."

Cedren: "Yes love, now I won't feel so lonely all the time now. This is just wonderful."

Well, everyone got settle in and the plans for the big hunt were made and set to be carried out within the next two days. Which was great, everyone seemed to be happy with all the things Cedro and Ren were doing to get things moving smoothly once again. No one in the village seemed to have a harsh word to say. The day came for the hunt and Nuvaro, Cedro, and Ren all said goodbye to Cedren and proceeded to head to the hunting grounds. With all carts in tow, they were going to make sure there was plenty for all. They arrived at the hunting grounds about a day and a half later, Cedro watched in amazement as the first half of the pans dispersed straight away into the woods to begin their task of gathering bush style foods and medicinal herbs. The remaining pans helped to finish their task of setting up camp and were off in a flash to join the others. All Cedro and Ren could do was watch with their mouths agape at how proficient the routine was for their hunts. Nuvaro just chuckled and started teasing them some as he ordered the rest of his troops to get the hunt started.

Without Cedren there, it seemed to be a waste of time to go at a slow pace, so he had the troops pick up to a moderate speed. By the next morning, two of the six carts were already being sent back to the village for processing. The next two days went at roughly the same rate, and before Cedro and Ren knew it, the big hunt was over with as the last of the carts had been packed up with their gear and the last of the food that would be brought back. Taking it just a bit slower to make sure they could get those few extra animals before they made it back to the village. Arriving, they stopped at the butcher's hut first and foremost. Cedren waited anxiously for Nuvaro, Cedro, and Ren to show themselves at the main house. She sat in the chair Nuvaro had made for her as she waited for them to come. After around an hour, they all walked into the main house. With a big smile Cedren waved to Nuvaro and the others.

Cedren: "I am so glad that you all have made it back safe and sound. How many carts were you able to send back this time?"

Nuvaro: "Well thanks to the help of your brother's added carts, we brought in two more than last time. Which should help us out tremendously. Next time we head out, I will have Ren to help with things."

Cedren: "That is fantastic. Sounds like the storehouse will be fully stocked once again and we will not be hurting as bad as we had been starting too. Thank you so much for that added help brother. It means so much to me."

Cedro: "Do not think anything of it, sister. It is the least I could do for almost doubting how well they take care of you here. It was the very least I could do. Me and our trainee will be heading out tomorrow, then Ren can help make sure things flow smoothly."

Nuvaro: "You did far more than I would have expected. Thank you for that. With the extra food, it should give us a little bit more leeway before the next hunt. Just know that you are more than welcome to come here at any given time, we will always make sure to have a room prepped."

Cedro: "Thank you very much for that. I will have to take you up on that offer and come to harass my sister now and again. It just has not been the same without her at home. But that is our place as the oldest children in the head families."

Nuvaro: "That is so true. Unfortunately, I am not the oldest child, but I am the only surviving son, so my place was kind of handed to me as well. Do not worry, your sister will never want for anything. Besides, she is making me a father much sooner than my own father."

Cedren: "Geeze my love, you are just like your father in a lot of ways and do not even realize it. Making a big deal out of being a father early. It cannot possibly be that rare can it? Or has no one bothered to keep record of such things?"

Cedro: "Actually sister, it is that rare. In all our recorded time, anyone to have a child before the age of a hundred is almost unheard of. But here you are, mated and having children before the age of a hundred. I have not even found my mate yet, so yea, I am jealous right now."

Cedren: "Well that aside, I am getting worn out and dinner is taking far too long. I will just eat some of the dried fruit in my room for now and get some sleep. The kids are wearing me down."

Nuvaro: "Very well my love, I will help you to our room and come to finish talking about some things with your brother again. Shall we?"

Cedren: "Yes, let us. Good night brother, I hope to see you before you head out tomorrow."

She waved and locked her arm around Nuvaro' s for the added stability once more as they left the dining hall and made way to their room. She was too wore out from staying up late the night before, she did not get to see her brother off. Not wanting to disturb his sister, he thought it was best to let her rest. Letting Nuvaro know that he would be back in a few months' time to help with the big hunt again if needed. All he had to do was send word. And so, it came to pass that her brothers visit would come to an end after a successful restock hunt and short visit. He was going to make sure he would visit again before too long. But that too would depend on whether or not their parents could afford for him to leave. That somehow made Cedro sad to know.

But for now, he had things to do back home himself. Cedren woke up a little later than usual. Guess the excitement of having her brother there wore her out far more than she had expected. But she understood that he had to get back to his duties as well. Things went smoothly with Ren's help and her mate did not seem to be as tired now. It was a good thing, and surely this blessing from the goddess Inari would hopefully keep showing them favor. As well as the god Jizzo for making sure her children would continue to do well. All they could hope for now was that things would continue to run smoothly.