Ch 11 Part 1

Chapter 11

For the first time in an extremely long time, Nuvaro felt great hope. Now with her mother here, about to show him how to fix his wife again, it was far more than he could ever have asked for. His only thought was for his wife to be alright. Looking to Nuvaro, she beckoned him over to the table that had been formed.

Malynn Taliesian: "Now if you would please stand by me, I will begin to show you how [MW1] to prepare the laboratory." "At least that is what my grandmother called it."

Nuvaro: (Walking calmly over to the table, he was in total awe at all the strange things that their alchemist did not even possess…) "Very well. This will surely be a new thing to add to the collective knowledge of things. I am of the Intellect class as well as the Warrior. Never hurts to have new knowledge does it?"