Ch 21 Part 2

Cedrio Taliesian: "Son, if you are taking her words to heart, I cannot argue the fact. Your sister has always been right on these types of occasions. I will have the town alchemist help me to set up a barrier around the guest room to keep a watch on her. I really do not foresee you having Rosalynn in your room."

Cedro Taliesian: "Well father, the one room that was built for my mating was not completed just yet, though I will find out her true nature in this upcoming month. I do not wish to see my sister's gut feeling go to waste. It has never failed any of our family."

Cedrio Taliesian: "You are correct on that. Now that you seem to have settled on a plan, are we going to join in the dinner, or what? Oh yes, what do we say to her father?"

Cedro Taliesian: "For now, let us see if she slips up and shows her true colors even more in front of her father. But for now, let us eat, the food should be wonderful."