Ch 22 Part 4

Cedro Taliesian: "Well father, mother, I would like you to introduce you to Ciya and Iris. These two will take the place of that incorrigible waste of space named Rosalynn. I will send a message to her father tomorrow letting him know of the things she did and the punishment I have chosen to give her."

Cedrio Taliesian: "So long as your happy son. Do they actually have a usable skill unlike that other one?"

Cedro Taliesian: "Yes father, these two actually can help with the archery and sword training as well as being good with the embroidery skills for sewing. Cedren helped me to make sure of the choices."

Cedrio Taliesian: "Well then, if your sister cleared them, then they must be good choices then. I hope things work out well with them."

Cedren: "Do not fret father, I did my best to help him decide and spoke with every one of them before deciding on these two. So, it is all going to work out. These two even chose to be placed up to serve."