Kale the Slaver: (With a bright smile on his face…) "I was thinking about that big pagoda style mansion on the back hill behind the arena. It seems to have been empty for quite a while. Is it available? It seems it would be big enough to make half of it into a bath house. While the other half could be used for courtesans and instrument players."
Jero Hacter: (Putting his hand to his chin while contemplating…) "I see, I see. That is where you were going with the idea. It is a grand idea indeed, how would you feel if I were to go in with you on this venture?"
Kale the Slaver: (Looking at Jero wide eyed, it had never dawned on him to consider some backers to the pleasure style entertainment house…) "I would not argue with it one bit, after all the more support on this idea, the better. Hell, even Oshwa might invest."