Ch 3 Part 6

  Krista continued making the odd sound as the dust cleared, Krista's form became clearer. She had amped her body up past normal limits again making the ninety-five percent beast change that Black Silver was at look like a normal thing. Krista's body bordered that of the legendary mode they had witnessed in Cinnamon's fight, except she still maintained a proper berserker transformation look. If they could give it a percentage rating, it would have been equal to one hundred fifty percent, maybe slightly higher. The sound was becoming deeper and deeper, an ancient sound as Krista transcended into an extinct form of ancient power. Krista had not been struck in the abdomen, but she was holding her sides like she had been. It became more and more apparent that the sound they were hearing was laughter coming from Krista. It could only be explained as an unholy sound, one that begged for blood.