Ch 5 Part 1

  Chapter 5 

  While everyone was eating, Kale could not help but ask Fio how he ended up with the name he had. He had told him once that he had started out as the smallest of his family, but it was so long ago, he could not remember if he had been given any details on it. He figured why not ask, the worst Fio could do was tell him to mind his own business. He picked up his glass and one of Fio's people refilled it with some of the wine they had in the back. It was not the fire wine he had grown accustomed to; it was something new. The wine was clear in color, with a hint of opaque cream. He lifted it to his mouth and drank some, not sure what he was going to make of it. To his surprise, it had a semi-sweet taste to it. It was pleasant on the tongue and mixed quite well with the dishes they were eating. Fio noticed his surprised look and asked him how he like it so far.