Ch 8 Part 5

Kale the Slaver: "I did not think she would get so upset at me being asked to show you guys the grounds. I do apologize. Yes, it is normally her job, she has done it for years since I got the place established."

  Nuvaro: "Oh I see. Sorry, but I really wanted to ask him why he invited us here. He has that answer, not you." 

Fukuta Si: (Still staring daggers as if it would change their minds…) "I…I…see. Well fine then. I have girls to attend to anyway. If you excuse me, I will make sure they are doing their jobs." 

Kale the Slaver: "Si, please do not get offended. I understand why he would be asking me that question considering the loose description of the job of the girls, but not everyone is familiar with some of the things we have done in the city." 

Fukuta Si: "Well I come from a small village to, but I learned to adapt. But fine, I do not care at this point. I did not think your supposed friends would be so rude."