Ch 9 Part 4

      With a loud thud, Black Silver fell flat on her ass as Krista or rather Kristina stood laughing at her mockingly. She looked up at Krista with a scowl on her face but did not say anything. She knew there would not do any good to argue about it at this point in time. Getting up quickly, she tried to figure out her next strategy. Master Kale was right, if they were not going to focus on the dance, then a good sparing regime was in order. Taking a better stance, she put her fists up in the defensive as she looked at Krista with a determined stare. 

  Black Silver: "You heard Master Kale; we need to take our sparing seriously. Now be on guard."

      Krista simply rolled her eyes at Black Silver as if it were not a big deal. 

  Kale the Slaver: "Alright now, I want you to focus on a friendly sparing match. Stop teasing each other. Get serious and get some practice in, or else I will hold your dinner for the night. Trust me, practice makes you hungry."