Ch 12 Part 7

Grey Saber: "I am confused by what you said just now. I have never been a fighter. I was picked up and sold to that man in the northern territory not long ago. I am unsure of what I am supposed to do here. Is fodder a new fighter or something else entirely?"

      Little Tiger burst out laughing at his statement. He could not believe it; they gave him someone who had just been thrown into the slavery trade. It almost reminded him of himself when his father gave him to Fio all those years ago because he was ashamed of his humanoid size, his father never once asked to see his transformation, or he might have thought differently. Grey Saber looked at Little Tiger laughing like a madman as he clutched his sides trying to figure out what the hell was supposed to be so damn funny. He got so frustrated after a few minutes that he actually yelled at him rather irritated.