Sports test

During the time I was in the nurses office Rein kept visiting more and more it made me get suspicious the more she came the more I wondered but that didn't matter I would be getting released today and not to mention today's the sports test, the sports test is very important it gauges how strong your ability is and I was not ready I hadn't come up with a plan to avoid it. The sports test had come and I had to do something quick I saw Blake and his friends great their in my class Blake's startes to walk towards me."So I see you recovered. " "Recovered?! you put me in the nurses office for a whole week! I was had seven broken ribs if it weren't for the nurses ability I'd still be in there Blake gave me a deadly look and said "look be glad I only roughed you up if you weren't so lucky you'd be worse." By the way it was only the boys in this sports test the girls would take place tomorrow in case you were wondering the first was the ball throwing test it looked like the boy named Jack was up first he had a enhancement ability he threw the ball and it reached about 500 metres everyone looked in awe expect me of course not that I'm bragging or anything but if I used my ability I would have easily past 500 metres. Everyone had their turn and then me I had to restrain my power by alot but I reached enough for an average human, next test was the survival test we each had to go to a sector of the forest and find a way back and everyone would be very far away from each other which meant I could use my ability to some extent the forest were filled with dangerous monsters and just my luck I ran to the biggest one but it would be no problem I used my ability which is called Control I used it to raise boulders and threw it at the monster and it died I made it back to the meet up area in an hour but it looked like there were still people out there and of course Blake was here probably got here first, we waited for about two hours until we heard screams coming from the forest the teacher and Blake began towards the forest telling the other students to stay here I wonder what happened.