Last Chance!

Editor and Proof Reader: King Of Mortals, Dervish

Chen Fan looked at the man who was reporting and sighed. Just when he was about to say something, he received a notification on his smartwatch and red color was flashing on the screen. 

After seeing the notification, Chen Fan immediately stood up.

"I need a full analysis as soon as possible and we will decide about further actions after the report is ready. Am I clear?"

Everyone at the meeting nodded upon hearing Chen Fan. 

Chen Fan walked out of the room with a calm face but those who worked with him knew that he was anything but calm right now. 

After coming out of the meeting room, he went toward his office and turned on his computer.

After entering a long string of passwords, a video chat interface popped up and a notification of a call came up.

He clicked on the confirmation and the call connected.