Alpha Team!

Editors and Proof Reader: Alterious, Dervish, King of Mortals

At the Cyber Police office, Hou Jie was extremely angry. Even after spending so much time, they were unable to find the culprit behind the attacks, and on top of that, the attacker was so cunning that the moment they tried to bait him, he would vanish, so they were getting baited instead! This was beyond embarrassing for the Cyber Police office.

As soon as they would restore a site's security, and the moment they went to another site, the previous one would get hacked again, and the article would be back up. In the office, everyone was furiously typing on their keyboards. But all their efforts were in vain. 

Hou Jie was pulling his hair due to this matter; he knew that if he did not handle this matter, then he'd better say goodbye to his post. He knew the power the Wen family held in the city and did not want to disappoint them.