Warmness of Home!

Editors and Proof Reader: Alterious, Dervish, garantiertnicht

Fu Yan thought about it for a bit and then gave a slight nod.

"Ok, show me the logs." 

He skimmed through everything and then gave a slight nod of satisfaction. After finishing with this, he turned towards Nir who was standing behind him silently, and then said in a low voice while pointing towards Nir.

"Qing, this is Nir. He will stay with us in the future. If he needs your help, then try to meet his demands."

There was silence for a while after Fu Yan said this, then Qing's monotonous voice sounded in the room.

"Big Brother, Can you clarify what you said again? I am using all the cameras but have not been able to find anyone else in the room beside you."

Fu Yan was taken aback when he heard this, and then he looked at the screen with confusion.