A Person Who You Trust the Most!!

Inside an office building, the same man who ordered the capture of Fu Yan's relatives was currently pacing around in the office.

Anger could be seen on his face. Then suddenly the door opened and a man in a black coat walked in.

Seeing him, the man with the cigar walked towards him and slapped him hard on the face.

"One thing and you can't even do that. Why do you expect me to keep you around? Now what am I supposed to report above?"

The man in the black coat simply stood there and did not say anything. 

After a while, when the cigar man's anger lessened a little, he looked towards his subordinate and then asked while sitting down on the chair.

"So what happened? This was a simple but important job. We provided all the support we could by disabling electricity and internet in that area. Yet you still had to shoot and kill two important assets. Things are going to be complicated now. OK, tell me all the details."