Taken Over!!

Editor and Proof Reader: Delther 

Nir slowly plunged the dagger into Ben's head, and Ben's body slumped immediately. Nir slowly removed the dagger and then turned to look towards Fu Yan to see his reaction but was met with cold, golden eyes. 

Nir knew that Fu Yan was not going to take his orders back, so he turned his eyes towards the camera in the room and threw his dagger towards it.

After doing that, he walked out of the room and went on a killing spree. There were screams, shouts for help, and sometimes, the sounds of gunfire, but after a while, everything was engulfed in silence. 

Fu Yan slowly walked out of the room and started going towards the operation theater where Xen was operated on. 

While walking, his steps were heavy and grief could be seen on his face, but his golden eyes showed no emotions as if they were not a part of his body.