Attacked and Unconscious!

Editors and Proof Reader: Delther, Dervish

Hearing the question from Lihi, Fu Yan let out a smile and replied with a calm and collective voice. 

"If you are to buy the finished medicine then it's going to cost you the 13% energy of a medium-size planet and the book requires 65% energy of the same with the borrowing period of 6 Hynes (20 years)."

After stating the price, Fu Yan shifted his attention to Lihi's face similar to how a businessman would look at his customer, eager to get an answer from them but unfortunately, his face had no emotions. 

Upon hearing the details, Lihi was caught in deep thought and couldn't decide for a while. 

Fu Yan calmly sat down on the side without making any kind of movements. Even though he wanted to sell the finished product because that way, he would get the most profit but, he could not influence the choice of the customers.