Chapter. 9 Mate?

Point of view: Alpha Ryan Damison

Dakota, focus.

I tell my wolf, as he wildly circles in my head. We both never liked interactions with humans and now I have to give a speech in a room full of low life humans.

Sometimes being a Werewolf is a pain in the ass. Especially when your wolf is not an ordinary one but an Alpha. Werewolves are ancient old species, their existence is said to be thousands of years old contemporary to Mesopotamia civilization, which is the oldest civilization of humans. Old folk stories say that our ancestors had insulted a god which cursed our bloodline to become half like animals.

Well, let's just thank that ancestor of ours, I would have done the same thing if I were him.

Being a Werewolf has its own perk like immense strength, speedy healing abilities, mind linking, and super sense of sight, smell, and hearing. But the cons, they suck more than fleas and ticks. Hundreds of bones break and reshape themselves at the time of shifting, the pain is equal to someone forcefully pulling out your embed soul from the black hole.

Also, the wolf always lives inside you, and worse than that is, you two can communicate.

Let's run to the forest. Let's shift.

I ignore my wolf's advice. Surprisingly, today he is behaving like he's on periods, I mentally note to scold him. I fix my tie and straighten my suit as I enter the conference hall.

Suddenly all the reporters run towards me like a tsunami. Dakota jumps in my head as he struggles to come out. I had to control him, so he doesn't break reporters' cameras or their nose. The nose is fine, but the cameras are expensive.

Suddenly I smell grass, fresh grass, vanilla dew grass. My body gets completely numb as the blood vessels ignite themselves in euphoria, I raise my head in the air and sniff greedily. The smell is so alluring, I couldn't help but turn to its direction. But the cameras' flash partially blinds me from seeing the person who is emitting such a heavenly scent.

My wolf gets restless and howls loudly in my head.

Dakota, control! I warn him.

I ignore the smell, reporters, and comments from females, and hastily reach the stage. By then Dakota starts to jump and scratch in my head unruly. I try to block him as he wants to take control of us. And we both know, when he takes control we always end up tasting blood.

"Good morning people of Damison Group." Anger is clearly visible in my voice, it is more like a warning for Dakota to not mess this up. My hold on the podium gets tighter as I try hard not to focus on the smell.

My nostrils flare, taking in the most exotic scent. The smell of fresh grass mix with vanilla is coming from far away. That person is definitely a newbie or fresher.

Let me shift!

Dakota again scratch in my head. He swings his tail rapidly hitting my brain's walls.

This stupid wolf! No animal porn for him. I'm going to block that national geography channel, I don't know what he is learning from it.

My nerves pop out from the skin as my claws mercilessly clutch the hardwood of the podium. That person is really powerful, it's just presence causes turmoil in my system, my wolf is going berserk like a nutjob on liquor.

I cut short my speech. I try to look for the person who is smelling like vanilla and grass but because of the flashlights, I couldn't see. I leave the conference hall in a hurry as Dakota will snap if I didn't let him out.

I sense my Delta, who is third-in-command behind me. "Alpha, what happened? Are we under attack?" Drake asks while running after me to catch my pace.

I suddenly halt as I think of a plan. I stumble a little as Drake bumps into me from behind, I turn around glare him. Drake immediately bows down his head as he weakly says, "Sorry Alpha."

"Drake, I want a meeting with every fresher recruited since our last company's session. Only those posts who were allowed in today's session. And I want to meet all of them today only." I order him, I am being desperate to meet that person with such an enticing smell that not only made me but my wolf act crazy.

I reach my office and slam the door shut behind me, my wolf is getting out of control. I take deep breaths while I loosen my tie and open some of my shirt's buttons.

What is it Dakota will you tell me now? I ask him, impatience surfaces my skin.

She is here. I can sense her. I want to feel her. I want to touch her. I want-

Her? Who are you talking about?

Our mate, Ryan. Our precious mate.


In the Werewolves realm, mates are chosen by the supreme deity, Moon Goddess. Mates come from the concept of Soulmates. Every Werewolf is gifted with a mate who is bound to their soul, they are said to be another half of their wolf. It's a one-time thing, cannot be replaced or exchanged.

For an Alpha, his mate will be the Luna, the same position as an Alpha in the pack. The only way to recognize your mate is through your wolf and the feeling of sparks when they both touch.

I never thought of a mate as I was busy with pack duties. The thought of having a mate, protecting her all the time, roam around her like a lovesick puppy sounds like a headache. To me, mate is nothing more than a way to have my children and pack's Luna. Love is out of my syllabus.

Finally, Moon goddess has blessed us. I never thought we could ever have a mate as you are no better than a pimple.

I wanted to scold Dakota, but I was preoccupied with the thought of us having a mate. I couldn't stop thinking all the positions in which I can bend her on my bed, table, couch, and wall. A wicked smile curls on my face, maybe having a mate is not that bad?

I instantly google for Kama sutra. I order the book on amazon. In the past, I had many intimate relations but never was I this excited to try more.

Now that I got a student, why not experiment with my kinks on her!