Chapter 13. Face Palm

Point of View: Alpha Ryan Damison

I leave the room, wiping my hands with my handkerchief. Jax's blood all over the piece of cloth, I dump it in the dustbin as I feel disgusted by him. He had to die because he knew too much.

Now that I can't kill my mate, I mentally think about the pros and cons of accepting him as my mate.


· My wolf will be happy.


· People will think I am gay.

· He can't be a Luna. Will our pack have two Alphas? No, he is not a werewolf. He is a weakling.

· I can never have pups with him.

· No boobs. That's the major con.

· Anal sex. With a guy? No, never!

I never felt so lost in my past twenty-six years. I never thought my life would take such a deadly-scary turn, devouring all the light from my life, leaving me in this dark pensive sadness black hole.

I ignore all my pack members and leave for the packhouse. Today for the first time I don't feel like a king. Moon goddess played well, I knew that bitch hated me from the start.

I have dealt with some messed up shit in the past, it but never pain like this. My head is pounding and my heart is howling mournfully.

I need a distraction, I need to forget what happened today. I call Alex to be at my place, right away and ready. I again remind myself that I need this, badly. Especially after what happened today.

. . .

Broken and tired, I reach my penthouse. I open the door and see Alex sitting on the couch waiting for me. I love punctuality.

My eyes gawk at her skin-tight black dress which hardly covers her thighs, bright red lipstick which matches her stilettos and her long lustrous hair. As soon as she senses, a flirtatious smile appears on her lips, she stands up, "Alpha!" and greets me with my title.

I see her curves, her hair-less, smooth shiny tan legs which makes me go stiff inside my pants. A bucket of relief washes over my face knowing I am not gay. Alex is really hot, she has been with me for the past couple of years as she didn't find her mate yet and of course, no one would deny an Alpha.

"Rough day?" She asks me sultrily. Oh, you have no idea. Worst day of my life.

I refused to say anything and start to remove my coat, tie, and shirt buttons half-heartedly. Suddenly I see two hands with black nail paint on my chest stopping me from unbuttoning further. I look up and see Alex smiling seductively as she purrs, "Let me do it."

I wanted to tell her I want to freshen up first, have a glass of water but maybe I am so tired that I just let her do and follow her to my room like a sad puppy, without saying a word.

Alex opened the door, she pushes me on my bed roughly then climbs on me slowly like a tigress. Pleasantries aren't really necessary so I just stare at her and wait. Her nails drag along my chest, ready to dig inside my skin as she playfully scratches me. Yeah, I like that.

What the hell are you doing, Ryan? Our mate will never forgi-

I block Dakota's voice in my head, I'll handle him later. Right now I just want to remove the hefty stress from my mind.

I am lying on my bed with my arms spread while Alex slowly grinds on me. She gets lower to my crotch and unbuckles my belt as she looks straight into my eyes, "What you want, Alpha?" She asks seductively.

"Shut that mouth and strip!" I order her sternly. She giggles and starts to remove her tight black dress.

Only if my mate was a girl, I would have never done this.

I push back mate thoughts and look at the girl above me, Alex, looks like a chimpanzee who is struggling to scratch its hairy back. She makes some bizarre non-sexy faces that are not at all a turn on for me. "Eh! Alpha, it is not unzipping." She wines.

I roll my eyes in frustration as I sit up, unwantedly my hands move towards her back to unzip her dress. I try to pull the chain but her hair strands stuck in the zipper stopping it from sliding down. I jerk it once, twice, impatience takes over me and I yank down the zipper hastily.

"Aahhhhhhh!" She squeals in a high girlish pitch right next to my ear. "Jezz! Shut up, Alex." I scold her. My mood is already shitty and here she is making it worse. I see five-six broken hair strands stuck in the zipper's slider. She instantly shuts up but glares at me as if I called her fat. Yellow fat ducking duck.

I lie back on the bed while she wiggles out of her tight dress. My heavy eyelids slide down as I recall those hazel enchanting eyes. How his eyes tickled my soul like a spring breeze yet hit me like a wild wave rushing from the ocean.

"Do you like it?" Alex's voice brings me back from my thoughts. I open my eyes and see her on me, straddling my waist in just her white bra and panties.

Who wears a white bikini under a black dress?