Chapter 29. Spell

Point of View: Alpha Ryan Damison

I think all day about Ethan and how to talk to him that I want to see his injuries. My pulse, breath, heartbeats everything is becoming restless. I walk out of my cabin to his desk, I see it's already 6 pm but Ethan is still working on his table. Respect increased for him, seeing how hardworking he is.

Despite being injured badly, he is still working.

Though the smell of blood is now subdued under his enticing vanilla fragrance, I still want to see how bad his injuries are. I keep my hand on his desk to get his attention, he slowly lifts his head at me. His hazel eyes look exactly like sunlight penetrating in a woodland.

Wood color mixed with the sunlight. Perfect hazel.

I close my eyes to capture this view in my heart, the way his eyes are shining bright, surrounded by brown reminds me of the forests. Absolute bliss. "Ethan" His name smoothly rolls over my tongue, but his name doesn't suit him. Because he is like a delicate lily flower.

I can hear angels singing in the background as he looks at me. His skin looks sterling rich, glowing like a pearl under the full moonlight.

Suddenly sparks explode in me, travel through my blood vessels to my lungs, heart, balls, everywhere. I didn't even realize when my hand touched his slushy face. He is cute.

"Ethan…" His name rolls over my lips like I am begging him to stay, stay in front of me, stay like this forever. My thumb sweeps over his dull orange freckles to his pert cheeks. Though he shaved his beard, his skin feels baby soft. Saint.

Ethan closes his eyes slowly, his thick eyelashes gently touch his skin. I feel him move a little closer to me, my eyes instantly drop to his parted lips. His pink plum lips look so inviting like they are ready to be ravished.

Suddenly he opens his eyes wide as if he heard me.

"Ryan…" He whispers, intoxicatedly. My name sounds like a magical spell enchanted from his lips. Like he is controlling me and my beast. My walls are down and my wolf is bowing his head, looking down at his mate.

I lift Ethan's face so I can directly look in his angelic eyes. I see desires in them. It is painful to watch him and do nothing. These sparks are releasing the beast inside me, telling me to prey on him.

"Ethan..." My voice overflow with urgency to have my mate. To have what is mine. To have-



Was he going to kiss me? What was I waiting for? What was I doing sitting this close to him?

I take my hands off him as the hammer of sense hits my brain. The sparks immediately stop. Dakota growls in my head, orders me to take our mate, to submit myself to him.


Before it could ring again, I pick up the telephone. "Ethan! This is Rita. Come down, I am dropping you home. I will not hear any excuses, I know you are hur-" I keep the phone immediately disliking the female's tone the way she was trying to flirt with Ethan.

Snap that bitch's head, Ryan! Dakota growls in my head.

I stand up, not liking the closeness between me and Ethan. Dakota pulls my nerves to again look at our mate's enchanting eyes and swift him off his feet and carry him in a bridal style to the cabin and have him right now.

I clench my fists as I don't want to lose my control to Dakota. I hiss as my nails cut through the skin of my palms as we both fight for control. I am losing it.

"Rita is waiting down for you." I leave immediately as I don't want to harm Ethan or see him witness me turning into an animal, a crazy hairy four-legged beast. Beast with a tail. My wolf is peeling the inside of my skin not liking the distance I am creating by moving every step away from his mate.

I hastily walk inside my cabin, slamming the door shut behind me and release the Beast.