Chapter 3 Meeting Cousin : Rehmat

Never leave relationships because of some few faults.

Life is very short and it's not worth holding grudges.



"How much more cleanliness do they expect me to do on my first day? no wonder their previous maid left" I thought to myself.  They just went on with their lives without bothering or realising what's occurring around them. Business matters to them the most.

Overly exhausted, I was so tempted to fall into their Claridge luxury leather chesthankeld sofa but thought twice about it.  What if I was caught red-handed? I'm sure they'll be a telling off whether I was blood-related or not. One scratch and my job is gone, be careful Zainab.

I was just a little when I last saw my cousins, so I hardly remember them and they probably won't remember me; let alone accept me into their family. Do they even know I'm now a maid in their home? Friends use to tell me it was great to have cousins but I differ on that topic.

Will they ever accept me as their cousin?

Knocking on a white wooden door, I waited for what seemed like an eternity until I overheard someone say on the other side "what has this girl even been doing for so long anyway?"

Unsure of whether I was heard, I knocked again and heard a girl's voice say "Some people are so impatient".

Feeling ignored as minutes went by, I was just about to raise my hand for a third knock when the door suddenly opened wide "Do you even know how to wait!?" the girl spat out rudely

Patience Zainab… patience.  I hardly have patience when it comes to rude people.

Tongue-tired, I kept reticent as I inhaled a deep breath of frustration as I pushed the trolley of cleaning materials and products into her room and couldn't help silently gasping out in astonishment how simply yet elegantly designed her room was.  With a colour combination of purples and greys, it built up her room of expensive taste and an extravagant aura.

I mean her king-size bed was to die for, decorated beautifully with valance canopy lace curtains that were held up with silver poles and a tufted upholstered purple heart-shaped headboard.  It was gorgeous and without a doubt, left me cogitating that if I was Sleeping Beauty I would never want to be woken up.  On either side stood a light grey 3-bedside drawer that matched the mid-sized chest of drawers and two double wardrobes, perfectly positioned around the room.  She even had her own ensuite bathroom. 

White roses and purple freesia flowers were displayed on one side of her bed and a glass vase of colourful assorted Dutch freesia's were placed on a low table by an oversized purple lounge chair, leaving a heavenly scent in the air.

Overhearing whispers, I glanced over at the girl who was on her phone smiling at something the other person on the line was sharing with her and couldn't help noticing how utterly breath-taking her smile was.  She was fair-skinned and really pretty with a round face and green eyes that was very rare to find these days.  Her jet-black hair was a mid length that reached just below her shoulders and her body was perfectly shaped wearing the latest fashionable clothing.  She appeared so innocent, but appearances can be very deceiving.

"I wonder who she's talking to have her smile break through," I thought and shook my head, girls nowadays.

Dressed in tight blue jeans and a long white blouse, she was wearing something I've never attempted to wear before.  I doubt we'll have much in common, she wasn't even wearing a hijab!

Many girls don't wear a hijab full time nowadays, but why?

"I wonder if she knows who I am? I hope one day we could bond and share countless stories, go on outings etc… seems to be close to my age"

"Once you've stopped daydreaming, maybe you can begin with your cleaning duties!" her rude and irritating voice snapped, jolting me out of my thoughts. No greetings?

"I'm sorry," I said looking away shamefully, wondering when did the call end.

Intrigued, I thought it was safe to steal glances at her while she had her back but she must've noticed me staring at her from the reflection in the mirror.

"Are you quite done staring?" then added, "I guess you're the new maid everyone is talking about?" Was she curious or was it my thought onyl?

I simply nodded.  I needed to stay calm and steady.  Once I know them and they begin to know me, maybe I will be able to change their views of me and accept me into their family. Insha'Allah(If GOD wills).

"Look, can you speed it up! I have to go to a party" she said sitting on the grand bed, complaining about countless things instead of the blessings she already has.

Parties?That word froze me on spot, my hands trembled with fear and I tried to compose myself.

With her bedroom and ensuite at last sparklingly clean and tidy, I took a chance and politely suggested "you know, you should try wearing a hijab around you.  You'll look so much more beautiful than you are already and your hair will be protected"

"Well I am not a hijabi person!"  she then added carelessly "I've never worn one and it won't suit me anyway" as she shrugged her shoulders and continued what she was doing.

"Besides, you're just a maid and have no opinion," she said in disbelief over my suggestion, whilst suspiciously eyeing the hijab neatly covering my hair.

"Just try it and wear it! I'm not forcing you but you'll see the difference it does to your face immediately" I tried convincing her while collecting my stuff and heading towards the door.

"Who are you anyway? I know our old maid left because she wanted more money. The audacity of her greed, she was with us for 10 years too!" she started to gossip.

I thought just maybe the daughter will come across different from her mother but I was so wrong.  Like mother like daughter! If one wasn't enough, both ladies of the house were so similar to their rudeness.  Ahh! My head was spinning, I doubt we'll be getting on very soon.

"I am just the new maid and you are… Rehmat? am I right?" I asked cautiously.

It was no point telling her we were cousins; she wouldn't believe me anyway but when I told her my name, she looked at me with a surprised reaction and didn't push any further.

"I think there is something more, which I wasn't notified" her voice sounded low and her face showed confusion but I just turned around and told her one last thing before leaving.

"Well, you will discover soon I'm sure.  Just try wearing a hijab" I said smiling and she just merely nodded.

I left shortly after and closed the door behind me.

"Stop filling my daughters' ears with silly suggestions!"

Hearing my aunt's voice snap at me, nearly caused a spillage with the bucket of water I was struggling to balance, whilst pushing the cleaning trolley out of her room but I managed to balance myself just in time with a dignified manner.

"Oh no! she heard everything"

"Just do your daily chores without chatting! Can you do that?" she barked at me.

She turned on her heels and left, leaving me wiping away the tears that were streaming down my face like an endlessly flowing river.  I miss my sister and parents so much; this lady - my so-called aunty is by far a very nasty woman.

Wiping away my tears repeatedly, I had this weird gut feeling that I was being watched from afar.  Effectively, all morning I had an instinct that I was being scrutinised but thought nothing of it… until now, when I saw a shadow suddenly disappear from sight.

"Does this house have ghosts?" I thought foolishly.

Finally! I was done cleaning all the rooms in the house...! and boy was I hungry.  I stepped outside towards the staff amenities; another building away from the main where my designated room was situated.  Once inside, I stood at the entrance with my eyes roaming around.  It was a bright tiny room with a fan and a single bed, a two-seated cream sofa that has seen better days, a small square table with one wooden chair and a tiny sink in the corner, which was a blessing for doing wudhu and that's it but Alhamdulillah, I was glad that there was a bed and a blanket when there are so many people without a roof over their heads, I thought woefully.

Envisioning where the other maids sleeping quarters were? And are we even allowed to interact with each other? I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked, my hands trembling since our small rooms were so far apart from one another.

"It is me, the chef.  I have brought you some warm food to eat for your dinner" he said in a low voice; almost a whisper as if afraid someone might catch him in the act.  I hurriedly opened the door and he entered with a tray of rice and curry, a small bowl of salad and a bottle of water Masha'Allah(When praising something ).

"You must be so tired.  Please take this.  Sadly, here the maids are only given little food and on a set time too and nothing else.  I added a little extra for you" he said with kindness.

"Oh, my days! You are an Angel in disguise.  I am completely famished; my stomach has been begging to be fed" I said as I took the tray from him. "I was just speculating where I should go for food.  Do we have access to raid the main kitchen or not?"

"No!" realising where he was, he lowered his tone "please do not raid the kitchen," he said, holding his hands up in the air; similar to self-defence mode, which made me smile. "You should've been told by the lady of the house what time you clock out for lunch.  You come here to staff quarters where you have a shared kitchen and a cooked meal is provided by me for all employees on a daily basis".

"Good to know" I thanked him, showing so much appreciation with a smile.  At least there was someone who was kind and warm-hearted looking out for me.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked him as I sat down and began eating out of hunger.  He hesitated at first but then slowly nodded.

"Where are the two older people? The grandparents of Rehmat?"

Avoiding eye contact, the colour suddenly drained from his face and he became pale in complexion.  He doesn't know anything about me, who I am and the connection I have with the family.  He must be wondering how I know of them.


Nobody is correct and nobody is perfect and in the end, affection is always greater than perfection.


Remember if you are praying for it, GOD is working on it always have faith and patience.

Don't let your fears and worries crush you.


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