Chapter 8 Excuse me Sir, am only a Maid

The road may seem dark but put your trust in Allah and keep walking for HE is the best planner...

The moment we realize everything happens by the will of Allah our worries fade away.


I felt so out of place and uncomfortable, I just asked him a simple question but I did one mistake since he took so long to answer a simple question.

I glanced up but couldn't figure him, my eyes were halfway to his face and  I realized my mistake and gazed down, immediately. It was so wrong of me and I knew he was staring back at me, I cleaned everything since he didn't want to answer my question. Fine, I won't bother! Let them wait, I just did my work the way I had done before he came.

Once I completed cleaning everything I thought of asking him again.

"I asked you a question, "I told him looking down but still there was silence as if I was talking to the four walls. ..damn him and his silence.