Chapter 20 I am your Cousin

Never ignore or hurt anyone, you never know the person you have hurt might be closer to Allah.

Whatever you are going through have patience Allah is testing you soon All will be well.


"Why did I even agree or involve myself in this stupid plan of my parents?"damnit this one mistake of mine will always trouble me in my dreams.

I kept staring  and there stood Zainab  lost in thoughts, "how much did she hear?"Did I wonder? I wish I could see her facial expression but she wore the niqab

Behind her, Rehmat was coming out of her room with a wide smile but there was a change in her, she had worn hijab, she had covered her face for the first time as she trailed towards my room with excitement it felt like they shared a bond finally but she stood still on her place as soon as she saw Zainab her smile also faded she knew something was wrong I pleaded her with my eyes but she shook her head as if she had warned me and soon Zainab left she ran away again wiping her tears.