Chapter 29 You are my assistance, your presence is highly needed


"I am back and this time there will be no one to save you got that there's no way to escape from me you were mine and you will always be mine," he whispered next to my ear in a stern voice and switched off the torch of his phone there was total darkness I tried to move so I could reach to my room door and open it.

I was yanked away even before my hand reached the door and was turned in an opposite direction but at the same moment the power came back and there stood Rehmat with shock on her face, I glanced everywhere to see if Hamza was there my worst nightmare my dark past...

"What's wrong with you? I heard a scream and it was coming through your room so I figured something must be wrong," she said with concern on her face and checked my forehead.

I wiped my tears and just shook my head.