Chapter 33 Are they still together?


See? some people are always ready to add fuel in the drama going on while others ready to spread rumours.

"Zahid, Relax, "Hamza tried to talk to him but Zahid stopped him with his hand and his mother left?that's her job right? she wanted to create misunderstandings.

"Hamza, we need to discuss deal let's meet in my office," he told him without informing me anything, after all hard work I did.

"These files you need to check them they are important, "I spoke before they could leave so he was talking to his best friend but not even a word with me.

He nodded and went away leaving me confused.

"I will explain to him everything and I once again ask forgiveness for playing with your heart and feelings," he said but I couldn't even think of another betrayal from him or from Zahid it hurts when someone you care about ignores.

"You need to meet me so we talk I want to explain to you about something,"he said and I thought if it's another ploy of his or what.