Chapter 39 6Months Later


I tried to bury down my feelings and forget everything about that mansion including Zahid.

It's been 6months since I left the mansion and the whole drama. I left after I proved myself but gave the proof to Rehmat and Zainul to hand it to the one who accused me, all of them including Zahid and I left without any hint, I just bid goodbye to the chef and Zahid's dad without informing them anything.

I don't even know what happened after I left and guess what even Zahid didnwith try to contact me.

It was not so hard but Alhamdulillah I got a job in a cafe it's been so peaceful and the people have been extremely supportive and kind I still do my niqab and hijab fully and yet these people accepted me Alhamdulillah.

Am just free since there aren't any customers at the moment.

I wiped the tear which was already falling down my cheek remembering my last day in that house and their accusations.

I am now working in a small cafe but at least am getting something than nothing.