(Life Goes On, move on as Life is short)


Everyone was excited at the moment after dinner they were still to play some games and choose winners and play some pranks girls had planned for guys.

Zainul and Saadia have their own cute love story going on, while during dinner, married sat together and these engaged couples were told to sit next to each other but guess what Saadia refused she said it's still not right until she's his wife she has to follow rules which made everyone proud of her and Zainul's choice as she will keep him on his toes. They all hoped it works out between them she's from a very poor family but high values and personality is amazing but she told Zainab once she that was scared of this step she's taken its a huge change for her but she will try for Zainul. That's so cute.

True love and yet they haven't realized SubhanAllah.