Chapter49 Hamza and Rehmat


One month and we will be one InshaaAllah till then he asked for some space but I had a bad vibe about, it like someone would snatch our happiness, why was I feeling this way?

We barely talked even once with in this week, I know it should be like this we should stay away before marriage but then his situation was different, this was Hamza with a rough past haunting him every now and then I just hope he doesn't harm himself. He's all alone. Ya Allah please help him, help us both.

"Arrogant man, can't even call me," I checked my cell phone for the tenth time but this man was too stubborn but I just felt something for him.

I locked my phone rushed to the bathroom did ablution prayed Isha namaz and I was late it's already 11 pm.

I lay wide awake on the bed thinking of all couples and soon to be, a smile formed on my face.

"What was this man doing to me?" I wondered.