Khadija, I have always secretly loved you

Umar and Khadija:

Holding your anger and hatred; it is a poison that will end up eating you up from the inside.  So, take it from me, don't waste your time in annoyance, misgivings, uncertainties and antipathies because life is way too short to be unhappy.  Additionally, word of advice to you all; learn to gain knowledge in you religion and put your trust in GOD, as there is no shattered heart that He cannot repair.  He will place the right people in your life, at the right time and always for the right justifications.



I couldn't help giggling when Umar lifted me into his strong arms, carrying me over to the sofa and it didn't help matter much when he decidedly took in a deep gasp and breathed in the trail of my jasmine scented skin, as he leaned in towards my neck.  The manoeuvre itself had me full of high spirted delight.