Disappearance of Umars Parents.

I am praying for those who are frightened, depressed or in pain.  For those that in a hundred silent ways, nobody sees or acknowledges.  But know this; Allah sees it all, He knows your struggles and He is with you every step of the way.  You are not and never will be alone because Allah loves you extensively; more than words can ever express or you can ever imagine.  So, don't get tired of doing what's right, no matter what others are saying.  Always try to stay on track, stay strong and have patience. Keep believing, keep praying, keep expecting and keep going; The Almighty Allah is in full control.  Ameen.


It wasn't the way I wanted to ask for your hand in marriage Khadija but the most important thing was you accepted and your parents gave us their blessing Alhamdulillah!(praising)